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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
Print Page 印刷用ページ
作成日:2010/08/17 01:02:35 JST最終更新日:2020/09/08 00:19:43 JST
TITULO The Cinema of Japan and Korea (★)
AUTOR Justin Bowyer
EDITORIAL Wallflower Press
ISBN 1-904764-11-8
NOTA (★)(´The Cinema of Japan and Korea´ provides a timely introduction to the history and continuing vibrancy of Japanese and Korean film. The 24 concise and informative essays each approach an individual film or documentary, together offering a unique insight into the cinematic output of these two countries. With a range that spans from silent cinema to the present day, and from films that have achieved classic status to underground masterpieces, this collection provides an overview of the breadth of the Japanese and Korean cinematic landscapes. Among the directors covered are Akira Kurosawa, Takeshi Kitano, Kim Ki-duk, Kenji Mizoguchi, Kinji Fukasaku, Kim Ki-young, Nagisa Oshima and Takashi Miike, and the volume considers in-depth studies of films such as ´Battle Royale´,´Killer Butterfly´,´Audition´,´Violent Cop´,´In the Realm of the Senses´,´Tetsuo 2 : Body Hammer´,´Teenage Hooker Becomes a Killing Machine´,´Stray Dog´,´A Page of Madness´ and ´Godzilla´. ◆Justin Bowyer is the director of Boxfish Media, the author of ´Conversations with Jack Cardiff (2003)´ and a screenwriter and film critic. ▼CONTENTS/ 01.Kurutta Ippeji (A Page of Madness, Jasper Sharp)/02.Sayon no Kane (Sayon´s Bell, Stephanie DeBoer)/03.Jayu Manse (Hurrah! for Freedom, Peter Harry Ris)/04.Nora Inu (Stray Dog, Magnus Stanke)/05.Saikaku Ichidai Onna (The Life of Oharu, Nina Caplan)/06.Gojira (Godzilla, Samara Lea Allsop)/07.Sarangbang Sonnim-kwa Omoni (The Guest And My Mother, Peter Harry Ris)/08.Obaltan (Aimless Bullet, Darcy Paquet)/09.Koroshi no Rakuin (Branded to Kill, Anthony Antoniou)/10.Ai no Corrida (In the Realm of the Senses, Samara Lea Allsop)/11.Salinnabileul Ggotneun Yeoja (Killer Butterfly, Chris Berry)/12.Himatsuri (Fire Festival, Maria Roberta Novielli)/13.Sono Otoko, Kyobo ni Tsuki (Violent Cop, Donato Totaro)/14.Tetsuo (´The Iron Man´) and ´Tetsuo 2´ (Body Hammer)(Andrew Grossman)/15.Seopyeonje (Sopyonje, Han Ju Kwak)/16.Perfect Blue (Jasper Sharp)/17.Kangwon-do Ui Him (The Power of Kangwon Province,Adam Hartzell)/18.Injong Sajong Bolgeot Eobda (Nowhere to Hide, Anthony Leong)/19.Sumgyol (My Own Breathing, Kim Soyoung)/20.Oodishon (Audition, Tom Mes)/21.Seom (The Isle, Donato Totaro)/22.Daehakno-yeseo Maechoon-hadaka Tomaksalhae Danghan Yeogosaeng Ajik Daehakno-ye Issda (Teenage Hooker Became Killing Machine in Daehakno, Steve Yates)/23.Batoru Rowaiaru (Battle Royale, Anthony Antoniou)/24.Kongdong Kongbi Guyok (Joint Security Area, Adrien Gombeaud)/)


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