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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
Print Page 印刷用ページ
作成日:2010/11/23 02:21:58 JST最終更新日:2019/05/19 05:07:45 JST
TITULO Ninja Justice (Six Tales of Murder and Revenge)(★)
AUTOR Shotaro Ikenami
EDITORIAL Kodansha International
ISBN 4-7700-2537-8
NOTA (★)(Set in a world of corrupt samurai lords, ruthless merchant princes, fawning geisha, and deadly ninja,´Ninja Justice´ introduces Baian and his friend and accomplice Hikojiro in six tales of murder and deceit : 1.TWO WIVES〜A scheming prostitute has her lover´s wife murdered so that she can marry him herself. 2.THE UNCERTAIN ASSASSIN〜Baian is seen on a job. Will he kill the witness or save her dying brother? 3.FOUR KILLERS〜Baian becomes the target of two desperate hired killers. 4.AUTUMN JOURNEY〜Hikojiro´s past involves Baian in a perilous chase --to the death. 5.LEAVE HIM TO HIS FATE〜Baian watches his victim die of natural causes but still earns his fee. 6.NEW YEAR´S NOODLES〜Double-crossed by a ruthless underworld boss and his samurai patron, Baian and Hikojiro exact a terrible revenge. ◆Shotaro Ikenami was born in Tokyo in 1923. Best known as a leading writer of Japanese historical adventure novels, many of his tales of ninja, samurai, and assassins have been successfully adapted for stage, screen, and television. Ikenami died in 1990.)


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