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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
Print Page 印刷用ページ
作成日:2010/07/25 11:17:30 JST最終更新日:2019/04/20 00:49:12 JST
TITULO Yakuza Moon (Momoirs of a Gangster´s Daughter) (★)
AUTOR Shoko Tendo (*)
EDITORIAL Kodansha International
ISBN 978-4-7700-3086-3
NOTA (*) (trans. by Louise Heal) (★)(´NI-0498´ es mismo libro.) (Titulo original : 極道な月[Yakuzana tsuki] A shocking yet intensely moving first-person account of one woman´s experience of growing up in Japan´s yakuza society. Born into the family of a wealthy yakuza boss, Shoko Tendo lives her early years in luxury. But labeled´the yakuza kid,´she is the victim of bullying and discrimination from teachers and classmates at school, and of her father´s drunken rages at home. The family falls into debt, and Tendo falls in with the wrong crowd. By the age of fifteen she is a gang member, by the age of eighteen a drug addict, and her twenties are marked by a series of abusive and violent relationships with men. After the death of her parents and her own attempt at suicide, Tendo turns her life around. A pivotal moment is the decision to get tattooed : an act of empowerment that helps her take control of her life. This is the universally appealing story of a young woman´s successful struggle to escape from a life of ostracism and abuse, and a rare glimpse into Japan´s closed yakuza world from an insider´s view point.)


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