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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
Print Page 印刷用ページ
作成日:2010/05/23 12:27:29 JST最終更新日:2020/10/09 22:44:21 JST
TITULO Sumo (A Pocket Guide) (★)
AUTOR David Shapiro
ISBN 0-8048-2014-7
NOTA (★)(When it was first published in 1989, ´Sumo : A Pocket Guide´ was quickly recognized as the best compact reference to the fascinating tradition and exciting sport that is sumo. Now completely updated by the well-known sumo authority David Shapiro, the book describes the history, rules, rituals, and techniques of sumo, the wrestlers´ training, and even their diets. Covering such topics as ´life in the stables´, ´psychological warfare´, and ´the spoils of victory´, this compact guide brings to life this cultural pastime that is so much more than a sport. This volume also includes an updated list of the addresses and telephone numbers of all the stables and some of the best ´chanko-nabe´ restaurants in Tokyo. /Shapiro brings to the updated edition many years of Japanese language sumo research and coverage. The result is a handy, up-to-date, and authoritative guide to sumo that provides everything one needs to understand, appreciate, and enjoy this fascinating sport. ◆David Shapiro has been a fan of sumo since 1973 and has been writing professionally on the subject since 1981. He has lectured extensively on sumo both in Japanese and English while serving as a senior staff member of Sumo World magazine, the world´s only English-language publication dedicated to sumo. In addition to working as a freelance translator, interpreter, and writer, he also regularly appears on NHK´s English-language sumo broadcasts as a guest commentator.)


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