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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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作成日:2010/08/24 03:13:00 JST最終更新日:2023/03/26 05:16:42 JST
TITULO The Life of Toyotomi Hideyoshi (★)
AUTOR Walter Dening
EDITORIAL The Hokuseido Press
ISBN -----
NOTA (★)(▼CONTENTS/ Foreword/Prerface/Preface to the Second Edition/ ●PART I./ Chapter I/Introduction/Pre-Feudal Times/Usurpation and Disloyalty/The Secret of Hideyoshi´s Success Chapter II/His Ancestry/Early Propensities/First Sight of Tokugawa Ieyasu/He becomes a robber/A Protest against Sweeping Charges/He endangers his life by indiscreet speech Chapter III/Assumption of Majority/His First Fencing Match/He kills a general in his first battle/He marries/His wife insists on being divorced Chapter IV/He is reproved by his parents/He seeks employment under Oda Nobunaga/Nobunaga grants him an audience and agrees to employ him/He is made an overseer of fuel/He is sent on a delicate mission/His second marriage succeeds/ ●PART II/Chapter I/He oversees the repairs of the Castle of Kiyosu/His Management of the Workmen/His income is further increased/He discloses the existence of a plot/A counter-plot is put into motion/Treacherous and Mean Acts on his Part Chapter II/He advocates a bold course/He is suspected of theft/He enjoins caution/He warns Nobunaga of danger/The Castle of Iwakura is taken Chapter III/Long versus Short Spears/Preparations for a Big Fencing Match/The Long Spears win/He defeats Mondo single-handed/Mondo becomes his servant Chapter IV/He discusses the political situation/Sakuma replies to his argument/Plot Within Plot/An Attempt to Humble Him/The Imitator No Match for the Originator/Practice versus Theory Chapter V/A Daring Plot against Imagawa Yoshimoto/Tokens of Divine Approval/Yoshimoto is killed/Development of Mind and Character/  ●PART III/Chapter I/He opposes precipitancy of action/He hoists a five-coloured flag unauthorized/Oda Nobunaga barely escapes destruction/The Attempts and the Failures of his Rivals/He favours diplomacy in preference to war  Chapter II/He is placed in a difficult situation/A Noble Contention/His Argument with Takenaka Shigeharu/What True Loyalty Implies/Assisting the virtuous is helping Heaven/Shigeharu goes to live with Hideyoshi Chapter III/Hereditary Generalship/He warns his master against stratagem/His two rivals are conciliated/Nobunaga´s power grows Chapter IV/The Safety of Daring/Nobunaga´s Life in Danger/A Dark Design Frustrated/He administers affairs at the capital/A Device for Obtaining Money/Feigned Anger Chapter V/The War against Echizen/A Device for Deceiving the Enemy/Shibata Katsuie´s Castle in Great Danger/Diplomacy Succeeds/Nobunaga´s Life again in Danger Chapter VI/Asai Nagamasa´s chief retainer is won over/The Political Situation/Steps for Deposing the Shoogun/Stratagem and Daring Combined/Waiting for the Flood-tide/ ●PART IV/Chapter I/Plot for Plot/Takeda Katsuyori Passes the Rubicon/Rai Sanyoo on the War of the Period/More Trouble in Echizen/Hideyoshi thinks Shibata Katsuie too timid/Hideyoshi is shut up in his Castle as a punishment/His Frivolities Explained by Shigeharu/Hideyoshi appears as he feels  Chapter II/The Form of his Troops/Takenaka Shigeharu at the point of Death/A Brief Rest after Five Years Fighting/He sends for Nobunaga to capture the Castle of Takamatsu/Akechi Mitsuhide Resolves to kill Nobunaga/Nobunaga is slain/The Progress of event at Takamatsu after Nobunaga´s death/The crisis finds Hideyoshi ready Chapter III/An Exciting Adventure/He assumes the garb of a priest/He invites the co-operation of other generals against Mitsuhide/Mitsuhide is defeated and commits suicide/Wrangling among Nobunaga´s Generals/His rivals try to provoke him to anger./He submits quietly to indignities/He receives honours from the Emperor/Contention for Precedence/The wrangling grows fierce/Hideyoshi asserts himself/He feels ready for any emergency Chapter IV/Plotting and Counter-Plotting/The final struggle with Shibata Katsuie begins/A rash general disobeys Hideyoshi´s orders/Sakuma Morimasa´s army is defeated/Shibata sees that his cause is hopeless/He and his wife commit suicide/Sambooshi proves to be a nonentity/Ieyasu acknowledges Hideyoshi´s superiority/Hideyoshi assumes the office of ´Kwampaku´/The Moral Code of the Times/His Success the Result of Careful Calculation/ ●PART V/Chapter I/Hideyoshi visits Uesugi Kagekatsu/Magnanimity met with Magnanimity/The Political Situation in Kyuushuu/The Satsuma chief is defiant/The First Pitched Battle against Shimazu Yoshihisa/The Treachery of a Buddhist Priest/Hideyoshi spares the castle of Kagoshima/Shimazu sues for peace/The origin of the Hongwanji Chapter II/The Oath of Allegiance to the Emperor/Preparations for an Attack on Hoojoo Ujimasa/The Origin of Tokyo/Camp Frivolities Misinterpreted/Reason gets the better of emotion with Hideyoshi/Moral courage meets with its reward/Tokugaea Ieyasu´s place of residence is changed/The whole of Japan is subjugated Chapter III/Negotiations with Korea/The Reception of the Korean Envoys/The Mock Investiture and Hideyoshi´s rage/The Fruitlessness of the Korean Expeditions/The Crude Commissariat arrangements/The Men in command of the Second Korean Expedition/Hideyoshi proposes to go to Korea himself/He apologizes for loss of temper  Chapter IV/An Extraordinary regulation/Hideyoshi caught in his own Trap/Deterioration of mind in his Later Years/He becomes the dupe of a Designing Man/The Power of a Familiar Name/A Treacherous Suggestion/His Last Illness/His Final Dispositions/Tokugawa Ieyasu is Appointed Regent/His Death/His Character/His Unscrupulous ways of obtaining Money/His Life was full of Noble Acts/Arbitrariness of an outrageous Type/His Mistresses/The Extent of his Military Ambition/His love of poetical Epigrams/Though a Great thinker he was no Reader/His disregard of the Customs of Society/Navigation Laws/His Moral Maxims/Honours paid to him by Yae/Honours paid to him in the Meiji Era  Chapter V/Ishida Katsushige and Masuda Nagamori sow seeds of Discord/Ieyasu is accused of Disloyalty to Hideyoshi/Plots to assassinate Ieyasu/Ieyasu utilizes Events to further his own Ends/Preparations for a Final Coup/The Seven Generals side with Ieyasu/The Battle of Sekigahara/Ieyasu is Victorious/Hideyori and Yodogimi die by their own hands/Hideyori´s little grandson is killed by Ieyasu´s orders/Ieyasu´s character is portrayed by Rai Sanyoo/Hideyoshi and Ieyasu compared/Hideyoshi was in many respects nobler than Ieyasu/Ieyasu´s attitude to Hideyoshi´s family/The trust put in Ieyasu by Hideyoshi/Ieyasu´s accession to Power the best thing that could have happened for the State/Concluding Remarks/ ●APPENDICES/I.Hideyoshi and Christianity/II,Japanese Names/III.The Tea Ceremony/IV.List of works consulted by Mr. Walter Dening in the compilation of ´The Life of Toyotomi Hideyoshi´/V.Additional list of Japanese works which may be consulted by students desiring to make a further study of the Life of Toyotomi Hideyoshi) 


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