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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
Print Page 印刷用ページ
作成日:2010/08/24 05:12:26 JST最終更新日:2018/02/20 23:59:05 JST
TITULO The Life And Death of Yukio Mishima (★)
AUTOR Henry Scott Stokes
EDITORIAL Cooper Square Press
ISBN 0-8154-1074-3
NOTA (★)(1.On November 25, 1970, Yukio Mishima[1925-1970]--author of the masterpiece tetralogy´Sea of Fertility´and the most gifted Japanese writer of the modern era-- shocked his nation when he took a leading general hostage and exhorted soldiers of the Jietai[Japan´s Self Defense Forces] to incite a coup d´etat. When his extraordinary scheme failed, he participated in a shinju[ritual double-suicide for love]. It was a spectacularly tragic public display that his countrymen still have difficulty understanding. Mishima, at one time a leading proponent for the westernization of Japanese art and society, had toward the end of his life called for a return to the Imperial[Emperor] system and for nuclear capability for the nation´s military. 2.Novelist, playwright, film actor, martial artist, and political commentator, Mishima was arguably the most famous person in Japan at the time of his death. Henry Scott Stokes, one of Mishima´s closest friends, was the only non-Japanese allowed to attend the trial of his compatriots. In this insightful and empathetic look at the writer, Stokes guides the reader through the milestones of Mishima´s meteoric and eclectic career and delves into the artist´s major works and themes. This biography skillfully and compassionately illuminates the achievements and disquieting ideas of a brilliant and deeply troubled man, an artist of whom Nobel Laureate Yasunari Kawabata had said,´A writer of Mishima´s caliber comes along only once every two or three hundred years´. 3.Henry Scott Stokes is a noted journalist who has worked for both The New York Times and The London Times. Most recently, he has edited an anthology entitled The Kwangju Uprising : Eyewitness Press Accounts of Korea´s Tiananmen. He lives in Tokyo.)


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