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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
Print Page 印刷用ページ
作成日:2010/09/19 00:36:23 JST最終更新日:2018/11/19 02:02:37 JST
TITULO Tokugawa Japan (The Social and Economic Antecedents of Modern Japan) (★)
AUTOR Chie Nakane & Shinzaburoo Ooishi
EDITORIAL University of Tokyo Press
ISBN 4-13-027027-3
NOTA (★)´HA-0043´ es mismo libro. (The foundations of modern industrial Japan lie to a great extent in the government and society that preceded it : the two and a half centuries ruled by the Tokugawa shogunate [1603-1868]. In this volume nine Japanese scholars focus on a variety of aspects of the Tokugawa period : the government system, village society, commerce, the growth of cities, the transportation and communications network, and ukiyo-e and kabuki. The high levels attained in the refinement of the political administration, in agricultural productivity, in popular culture and literacy, and in the beginnings of the capitalistic form of economy were among the many achievements of this period, which enjoyed a relative peace in seclusion from the rest of the world. Cumulatively, these essays offer a fascinating account of how the country was run and what life was like in Tokugawa times. This volume, translated and edited for a foreign audience, will provide interesting reading for scholars and students of Japan. Chie Nakane is emeritus professor of University of Tokyo. Shinzaburoo Ooishi is professor at Gakushuin University. Conrad Totman is professor at Yale University.)


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