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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
Print Page 印刷用ページ
作成日:2010/09/20 01:18:21 JST最終更新日:2020/12/14 02:29:09 JST
TITULO Never Take Yes For An Answer (★)
AUTOR Masaaki Imai
EDITORIAL The Simul Press
ISBN 3034-500254-2703 (JBC)
NOTA (★)(An Inside Look at Japanese Business for Foreign Businessmen)(The essence of Japanese business concepts and practices explained by a front-line veteran active in Japanese-foreign business interfaces)(For foreign businessmen, increasing opportunities of doing business in Japan and cooperative and joint venture projects with Japanese enterprises make it essential for them to know the Japanese way of business and understand the Japanese businessman. In fact, many Western Businessmen believe that the analysis of Japanese business concepts and practices will also provide them with much food for thought in reevaluating their own business concepts and practices./ What, then, is the Japanese way of doing business? What principles guide the behavior of the Japanese businessman? What should foreign businessmen bear in mind when running a foreign firm in Japan?/ In ´Never Take Yes For An Answer´, Masaaki Imai, president of an international management consulting and executive recruiting firm and a front-line veteran active in Japanese-foreign business interfaces, draws on his ample experience to describe for foreign businessmen unique features of Japanese business and key points in dealing with the Japanese./ The unique decision-making system of Japanese enterprises ; ´Yes´ which does not always mean yes ; the meaning of smiles ; Japanese management styles ; the importance of titles ; executive development ; golf and business ; case studies of joint ventures ; ... and more lively examples provide a rare inside look at Japanese business./ ◆Masaaki Imai, as President of The Cambridge Corporation, an international management consulting and executive recruiting firm which he founded in 1962, has assisted some 3,000 companies, both foreign and Japanese. Mr. Imai himself has personally served as consultant to over 100 foreign companies doing business in Japan./ Prior to 1962, he had served for five years on the Washington staff of the U.S. Department of State´s program for economic and technical cooperation with Japan. He has taken an active part in several American Management Association Seminars on doing business in Japan./ Mr. Imai was born in Tokyo in 1930. After receiving his B.A. at the University of Tokyo in 1955, he stayed on at the university to do advanced studies in international relations in the Graduate School./ Author of ´Tenshoku no Susume (Change your Job ; The Simul Press, Inc.) and ´Tenshoku Seikoho (How to Change Jobs Successfully)´, both in Japanese, Mr. Imai has also contributed to ´How to Succeed in Japan´ with a chapter on ´Taking Care of Your Japanese Staff´ and ´Doing Business in and with Japan´ with a chapter on ´The Japanese Employment Structure´, both in English, and has written many articles on management subjects for business journals.)


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