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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
Print Page 印刷用ページ
作成日:2010/09/20 02:08:30 JST最終更新日:2017/02/17 23:42:51 JST
TITULO Productivity Improvement (How Japanese Enterprises Meet the Challenge)(★)
AUTOR Hirotoshi Shibuya , Hideyuki Kamiryo
EDITORIAL The Japan Times
ISBN 4-7890-1010-4
NOTA (★)(1.[About the book]This book was first published in 1992 in Japanese with the intention of showing how productivity analysis provides a sound methodology for a company´s real sustainable growth. It has since become a popular and highly regarded treatise on successful business management in Japan by executive, managers, and consultants. This popularity has resulted in an excellent translation into English that is sure to be of exceptional value to foreigners doing business with the Japanese. Shibuya Kogyo Co., Ltd., started as a small bottling-machine enterprise in the mid-1940s. Under the astute leadership of President Hirotoshi Shibuya, son of the founder, the company today constantly seeks new directions to keep pace with the times, including laser, semiconductor, and medical equipment systems. In the past half century, this company has survived and thrived during the flow of Japan´s economic ups and downs. Dr.Hideyuki Kamiryo is an economist who attended the Sloan School at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is a specialist of corporate case studies with emphasis on finance and accounting and has published several books on these studies. He and President Shibuya present the story of Shibuya Kogyo to support their theory of productivity analysis. It is very important for corporate managers to understand the essentials of business finance. They will find these essentials in the secrets of success at Shibuya Kogyo, which have been clearly and thoroughly explained. In Dr.Kamiryo´s own words, this was accomplished with two basic purposes in mind,´.... First, to clarify productivity analysis in terms of individual companies, and second, to explain the characteristics of Japanese companies in terms of philosophy and financial management´. Readers will not only gain by learning these secrets. They will also better their understanding of Japanese financial analysis as it exists today.)


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