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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
Print Page 印刷用ページ
作成日:2010/10/11 02:03:14 JST最終更新日:2018/07/02 02:58:34 JST
TITULO All She Was Worth (★)
AUTOR Miyuki Miyabe (*)
EDITORIAL Kodansha International
ISBN 4-7700-1922-X
NOTA (*)(trans. by Alfred Birnbaum) (★)(Titulo original : Kasha [火車] 1.This clever, tightly plotted tale of suspense by a woman novelist was named Best Mystery and Best Novel of the Year on its publication in Japan. ´All She Was Worth´ is a search for a woman on the run. The trouble is, the life she left behind doesn´t seem to have been her own. And when she slips it off as casually as a dress, it retains nothing of her but a faint warmth... Police detective Shunsuke Honma should be at the peak of his career, but can´t stop the world from closing in around him. Alone with his small son, he´s been on an extended leave of absence since a car accident killed his wife and a stray bullet left him with a limp. His self-imposed exile is interrupted by a visit from a young nephew. It seems a routine credit card application turned up a bankruptcy in his fiancee´s past, and she disappeared without a word. Honma visits the office where she last worked and checks into her resume, only to find that all the previous employers she listed are invented and that she owes massive debts to loan sharks. How well had his nephew ever known her? What would it take to cut through the elaborate red tape Japan uses to keep tabs on its citizens, and become a different person? Maybe murder? 2.Miyuki Miyabe was born in Tokyo in 1960 and has written other highly successful mystery novels, as well as historical fiction. Ten films based on her work have been produced. In her spare time, she enjoys playing video games and singing karaoke.)


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