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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
Print Page 印刷用ページ
作成日:2011/01/16 23:33:43 JST最終更新日:2016/07/26 04:13:31 JST
TITULO Foreign Migrants in Contemporary Japan (★)
AUTOR Hiroshi Komai
EDITORIAL Trans Pacific Press
ISBN 1-876843-06-3
NOTA (★)(Titulo original: 日本の外国人移民[Nihon no Gaikokujin Imin] 1. Hiroshi Komai, a foremost scholar in the studies of foreign residents in Japan, draws on the latest and most comprehensive data available to provide a systematic overview of the current situation of foreign migrants in Japan and to recommend necessary policy changes. Special attention is given to workers under the economic recession, along with the condition of such non-workers as pseudo-exiles, selfactualization seekers and marriage/family oriented people. The study presents an analysis of deprivation and discrimination against migrants and examines human rights violations and the important role of NGOs and local governments in countering these tendencies. Professor Komai also demonstrates the process of migrant setllement and the formation of ethnic communities and utilizes survey data to show the rigidity of institutions and value systems in Japan. Finally, he examines the potential of migrants to transform existing Japanese structures and proposes that migrants be granted degrees of citizenship corresponding to the extent to which they have settled. 2. Hiroshi Komai is Professor of Sociology in the Institute of Social Sciences at the University of Tsukuba, Japan. His publications incluide Migrant Workers in Japan (Kegan Paul International 1995).


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