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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
Print Page 印刷用ページ
作成日:2011/01/30 01:08:16 JST最終更新日:2020/03/01 09:54:29 JST
TITULO A Brief Diplomatic History of Modern Japan (★)
AUTOR Morinosuke Kajima
ISBN 65-22112 (Library of Congress Catalog Card Number)
NOTA (★)(´A Brief Diplomatic History of Modern Japan´ is a concisely written, fast reading survey of Japanese diplomacy from Japan´s first contacts with the West to its current role in contemporary international relations. It is written from the viewpoint of a leading member of Japan´s upper house, Morinosuke Kajima. The author authoritatively documents Japan´s diplomatic history since the opening of Japan to the Western powers. The dissapointments, advances, and dilemmas of a feudal state striving to modernize itself for a place in the international community are covered to give the reader a firm foundation for the understanding of later pre-war and post-war developments. The reader is then ready to consider some of Japan´s outstanding problems of today. Recognition of Red China, the future of the United Nations, the U.S.-Japan Mutual Security Treaty, Japanese-Nationalist China relations, Japan´s economic diplomacy, and Japan´s fundamental foreign policy are all studied in detail. ´A Brief Diplomatic History of Modern Japan´ is written to give the Western reader an insight into Japanese diplomacy and foreign policy. The product of one of Japan´s leading statesmen, this volume is invaluable to the student of foreign relations and diplomacy, because it authentically points the way to Japan´s future actions, and subsequently, the balance of power in a precariously divided world. A helpful chronological list of major traties and an index have been included for the reader´s reference and convenience.)


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