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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
Print Page 印刷用ページ
作成日:2011/02/27 00:34:12 JST最終更新日:2019/03/11 02:10:48 JST
TITULO One Man´s Justice (★)
AUTOR Akira Yoshimura (*)
EDITORIAL A Harvest Book
ISBN 0-15-600725-8
NOTA (*)(吉村昭, trans. by Mark Ealey) (★)(Titulo original : 遠い日の戦争 [Tooi Hi no Sensoo] 1.Japan is in ruins after World War II. Takuya, a demoralized officer, returns to his native village only to learn that the Occupation authorities are intensifying their efforts to apprehend suspected war criminals. Fearing they will learn of his involvement in the execution of American prisoners, he takes to the road and becomes a fugitive in his own country. As he travels on crowded trains through a land of defeat, humiliation, and hunger, he fears that his past will catch up with him. And yet Takuya doesn´t feel like a criminal. After all, he had only been following orders. Why should an honest and dutiful man be prosecuted by the very people who dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, slaughtering countless innocent civilians? ´One Man´s Justice´ is a tale of timeless relevance --unnerving, spellbinding, and simply extraordinary-- from a master of the psychological novel. ◆Akira Yoshimura is the prize-winning author of twenty novels and short-story collections, many of them bestsellers in Japan. One Man´s Justice is his third novel translated into English.)


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