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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
Print Page 印刷用ページ
作成日:2011/02/27 02:11:47 JST最終更新日:2019/04/27 23:41:13 JST
TITULO Distant Thunder (★)
AUTOR Wahei Tatematsu (*)
ISBN 0-8048-2120-8
NOTA (*)(trans. by Lawrence J. Howell and Hikaru Morimoto) (★)´NI-0272´es mismo libro. (Titulo original : Enrai [遠雷] ◆Winner of the Noma Prize for New Writers ◆Set in rural Japan at the height of bubble economy, Distant Thunder tells of a farming village gradually effaced by urbanization,corruption, and greed. After Matsuzo Wada has sold off the family´s lands and left his wife for another woman, his son Mitsuo is determined to support himself and his mother in the traditional manner, farming. All that remains of his ancestors´ lands is a hothouse, in which he grows tomatoes to sell to the housewives from the nearby apartment complex, built on a former rice field. When his childhood friend, Koji, becomes entangled in an adulterous love affair which ultimately destroys him and those around him, Mitsuo begins to see how the town´s hedonistic excesses are laying to waste not only the landscape, but also the communal and familial bonds and the values that once sustained them all. ◆Wahei Tatematsu was born in 1947 in Utsunomiya, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan. He is well-known throughout Japan as an author and environmental activist. Among his many awards are the Noma Prize for New Writers and the Mainichi Publishing Cultural Award. He currently lives in Tokyo.)


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