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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
Print Page 印刷用ページ
作成日:2011/05/02 03:32:54 JST最終更新日:2018/08/12 01:57:10 JST
TITULO Embracing Family (★)
AUTOR Nobuo Kojima (*)
EDITORIAL Dalkey Archive Press
ISBN 1-56478-405-3
NOTA (*)(trans. by Yukiko Tanaka)(★)(´NI-0428´es mismo libro.)(Titulo original : Hooyoo kazoku [抱擁家族, 1965], 1.Set during the U.S. occupation following World War II,´Embracing Family´ is a novel of conflict -between Western and Eastern traditions, between a husband and wife, between ideals and reality. At the opening of the book, Miwa Shunsuke and his wife are trapped in a strained marriage, subtly attacking one another in a manner similar to that of the characters in ´Who´s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?´ When his wife has an affair with an American GI, Miwa is forced to come to terms with the disintegration of their relationship and the fact that his attempts to repair it only exacerbate the situation. An award-winning novel, critics have read this book as a metaphor of postwar Japanese society, in which the traditional moral and philosophical basis of Japanese culture is neglected in favor of Western conventions. 2.Nobuo Kojima [小島信夫] is the author of more than thirty volumes of fiction, essays, and criticism. He has been awarded the Akutagawa Prize, the Tanizaki Junichiro Literary Prize, and the Minister of Education Prize. In addition to his own writing, he has translated the works of William Saroyan and J.D.Salinger, among others, into his native Japanese.´Embracing Family´ is his first book translated into English.)


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