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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
Print Page 印刷用ページ
作成日:2011/05/08 00:36:31 JST最終更新日:2021/05/25 04:32:01 JST
TITULO Madame de Sade (★)
AUTOR Yukio Mishima
ISBN 4-8053-0659-9
NOTA (★)(Este libro es version renovada del ´NI-0073´./Titulo original : サド侯爵夫人 [Sado Koshaku Fujin]/ In this fascinating all-female drama, Yukio Mishima endeavors to explain the riddle of why the Marquis de Sade´s wife, who had remained loyal to her husband throughout the years of his wild debaucheries and during his lengthy imprisonment, decided to sever their relationship once he had regained his freedom.´This play might be described as Sade seen through women´s eyes´, writes Yukio Mishima in his postface to the drama. ´I was obliged to place Madame de Sade at the center and to consolidate the theme by assigning all the other parts to women./ Madame de Sade stands for wifely devotion ; her mother, Madame de Montreuil, for law, society and morality ; Madame de Simiane for religion ; Madame de Saint-Fond for carnal desires ; Anne, the younger sister of Madame de Sade, for feminine guilelessness and lack of principles...´/ Through its subtle dialog and finely drawn human contrasts,´Madame de Sade´ is a convincing evocation of the period. Although the Marquis himself never appears in the drama, his presence is all-pervasive./ This English text is by Donald Keene, a foremost translator of modern Japanese writing. The photographs are of scenes in the original Japanese production, staged in Tokyo./ ◆Yukio Mishima [1925-1970] was born and raised in a samurai family and died in a ritual suicide -at the height of his literary career- after having completed his tetralogy,´The Sea of Fertility´. His suicide has been described as ´a theatrical fantasy conceived by a poet´. Over 250 works by Mishima have been published in Japan and scores have been published in translation in the United States and Europe. Among his writings are thirty-three plays, in some of which he acted. Some ten films have been made from his novels.)


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