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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
Print Page 印刷用ページ
作成日:2011/05/08 01:00:30 JST最終更新日:2021/05/24 05:32:57 JST
TITULO Confessions of a Mask (★)
AUTOR Yukio Mishima
ISBN 4-8053-0232-1
NOTA (★)(Translated by Meredith Weatherby)(Titulo original : 仮面の告白[Kamen no kokuhaku]/ Long regarded as one of the most important novels to appear in post-war Japan,´Confessions of a Mask´ is an allegory of a lonely boy´s yearning quest for belonging and his gradual acceptance of his homosexuality. With its overlay of intense sado-masochistic fantasy, the author draws deeply from the well of his own emotion and perhaps subconsciously hints at his own demise./ The boy´s quest for a place in the sun mirrors the monumental and sometimes futile efforts of Japan to find equal footing with the great nations of the world, while attempting to remain true to its unique spirit./ ◆Yukio Mishima, three decades after his death, remains the subject of strong international fascination, both for his political fervor and for his exquisitely crafted writing. He was born in Tokyo in 1925 and educated at the Peer´s School, where he received a special commendation from the Emperor of Japan. He completed his first novel during his first year at the University of Tokyo and went on to a prolific, internationally acclaimed career as novelist, playwright, short story writer, and poet. In a gesture whose political consequences reverberate to this day, he ended his life by seppuku in 1970.)


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