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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
Print Page 印刷用ページ
作成日:2011/06/05 01:04:31 JST最終更新日:2021/03/09 01:47:16 JST
TITULO The Temple of the Wild Geese and Bamboo Dolls of Echizen (★)
AUTOR two novellas by Tsutomu Mizukami
EDITORIAL Dalkey Archive Press
ISBN 978-1-56478-490-2
NOTA (★)(´The Temple of the Wild Geese´ and ´Bamboo Dolls of Echizen´, two novellas by Tsutomu Mizukami, Translated by Dennis Washburn)(Titulos originales : Gan no tera, [雁の寺, 1961], Echizen take ningyo, [越前竹人形, 1963])(´NI-0009´es mismo libro./ ´The Temple of the Wild Geese´, a semi-autobiographical account of Mizukami´s childhood, tells the tale of Jinen, a Buddhist monk raised by villagers after his mother, a beggar, abandoned him. Sent to live at a temple at the age of ten, his resentment smolders for years until it explodes in a shocking climax./ In ´Bamboo Dolls of Echizen´, no woman is willing to marry the diminutive Kisuke, a bamboo artisan, until Tamae, a prostitute, comes to pay her respects at the grave of Kisuke´s father. In Tamae, Kisuke sees shadows of his own mother, who died when he was young, and the two eventually marry./ Since Kisuke seeks only motherly affection from Tamae, the two never become lovers. Instead, Tamae devotes herself to caring for Kisuke as a mother would, and he thrives as a renowned maker of bamboo dolls./ ◆Tsutomu Mizukami [1919-2004] was born in the Fukui Prefecture of Japan. As a child, he was sent by his parents to work and live in a temple in Kyoto. After leaving the temple, Mizukami studied literature at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto. A bestselling author of novels, detective stories, biographies, and plays, Mizukami was also the recipient of numerous awards and prizes, including the Naoki Prize for ´The Temple of the Wild Geese´.)


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