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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
Print Page 印刷用ページ
作成日:2011/06/06 01:26:19 JST最終更新日:2020/03/30 10:06:20 JST
TITULO Japanese Plays (Classic Noh, Kyogen and Kabuki Works) (★)
AUTOR A.L. Sadler
ISBN 978-4-8053-1073-1
NOTA (★)(Nothing reflects the beauty of life as much as Japanese theatre. It is here that reality is held suspended and emptiness can fill the mind through words, music, dance, and mysticism. A.L. Sadler translates the mysteries of Noh, Kyogen, and Kabuki in this groundbreaking book. Sadler provides a cross section of Japanese theatre that gives the reader a sampler of its beauty and power. The power of Noh is in its ability to create an iconic world that represents the attributes that the Japanese hold in highest esteem : family patriotism, and honor. Kyogen plays provide comic relief often times performed between the serious and stoic Noh plays. The Kabuki plays were the theatre of the common people that are now precious cultural relics of Japan. Sadler selected these pieces for translation because of their lighter subject matter and relatively upbeat endings, ideal for a western readership. More linear in their telling and pedestrian in the lessons learned, these plays show the difficulties of being in love when a society is bent on conformity and paternal rule. The end result is a wonderful selction of classic Japanese dramatic literature. ◆A.L. Sadler [1882-1970] was Professor of Oriental Studies at the University of Sydney for 26 years, as well as Professor of Japanese at the Royal Military College of Australia. Among his other works are ´Shogun : The Life of Tokugawa Ieyasu´, ´Japanese Tea Ceremony : Cha-no-yu´, and ´Japanese Architecture : A Short History.´ Paul S. Atkins is Associate Professor of Japanese at the University of Washington, Seattle. Born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, he was educated at Stanford University, where he completed a Ph.D. in Japanese. His field of expertise is premodern Japanese literature, drama, and culture. Professor Atkins is the author of ´Revealed Identity : The Noh Plays of Komparu Zenchiku´ and numerous articles on medieval Japanese theatre, fiction, poetry, poetics, and literary history. ◆CONTENTS --- ▼NOH PLAYS ・Tadanori,・Kakitsubata,・Iwabune,・Tamura,・Tomoe,・Hatsu-Yuki or Virgin-Snow,・Oyashiro or the Great Shrine,・Ko-kaji,・Muroozumi,・The Shoojo and the Big Jar,・Kamo no Chomei,・Doojooji ▼KYOGEN or COMIC INTERLUDES ・The Bag of Leave-Taking,・Ebisu and Daikoku,・The Second-Class Master Blindman and the Monkey,・The Stone God,・Hana-Ko,・The Six Shavelings,・Asahina,・The Persimmon-Seller,・Pins and Needles,・The Stag Hunter,・The Thief and the Child,・The Fowler,・The Priest´s Staff,・Under the Hat,・The Ointment Vendor,・Raku-ami,・The Acolyte´s Water-Drawing,・The Cuttle-Fish,・Dontaro,・The Liquor-Pipe,・The Gargoyle,・Tsu-en,・The Buddha-maker,・Akutaro, ▼KABUKI ・The Cherry Shower,・The Potter Kakiemon,・The Village of Drum-Makers,・Raizan)


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