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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
Print Page 印刷用ページ
作成日:2011/06/06 01:28:19 JST最終更新日:2020/04/05 00:13:29 JST
TITULO KABUKI : Baroque Fusion of the Arts (★)
AUTOR Kawatake Toshio (*)
ISBN 4-903452-01-8
NOTA (*)(Translated by Frank & Jean Connell Hoff) (★)([Preface to the English Edition] On November 22, 2001, exactly six months after the Japanese version of this book originally came out, I received a request from the International House of Japan to publish an English translation. Now, a year and four months later, the work has been completed in this splendid form. As an author, I can think of nothing more gratifying. I have been particularly fortunate to have Jean and Frank Hoff as my translators. Frank and I have been friends ever since he was a graduate student at Waseda University specializing in Japanese folk performance and traditional theatre. But our acquaintance began even before that in 1958 when he attended a lecture I gave on Japanese theatre at the Harvard-Yenching Institute. I was a visiting researcher at the time, and this was the very first public speech I had ever given in English. I first met Jean when they moved to Japan shortly after their marriage and lived quite close to me in Seijoo. She too has a deep interest in Japanese culture and has translated several books for the LTCB International Library series. The Hoffs undertook this translation out of their passionate love for Kabuki ; they have produced a polished and thoroughly readable work with appropriate additions to fill out the text for the foreign reader, notes not found in the original and a selective bibliography of translations and other works in English on Kabuki. To tell the truth, while I was writing this book, I hoped that one day it would be translated and reach a larger audience through the world, but I never dreamt that such an ideal translation would appear so soon. My heartfelt thanks go to the Hoffs for their hard work. I would also like to extend my deep gratitude to Saji Yasuo of the International House of Japan who served as intermediary between author and translators and who produced the book ; to Watanabe Isao, director of the University of Tokyo Press, who shared my delight that a work his Press first published was being translated and was unstinting with his cooperation ; and last but not least to the members of the Selection Committee and Committee for General Policy of the LTCB International Library Trust who evaluated my book and recommended it be translated into English. Kawatake Toshio, March 2003 ◆Kawatake Toshio, Born in Tokyo in 1924. He studied physics at Tokyo Imperial University and graduated from the Arts Department of the School of Literature at Waseda University, where he also received his masters´ degree. He has been a visiting fellow at Harvard University, a professor in the School of Literature, Arts and Sciences at Waseda University and at Kyooritsu Women´s University, and a visiting professor at the University of Vienna ; and has served as president of the Japan Theatrical Institute and the Comparative Literature Society of Japan. ▼CONTENTS -- ・[PROLOGUE] 1.An Unexpected Overseas Response, 2.Drama That Transcends National Boundaries, 3.From a Comparative Perspective, ・[CHAPTER I -- A FREE AND FLEXIBLE THEATRE SPACE : KABUKI´S ARCHITECTURE AND ITS AUDIENCES] 1.Unique Theatre Mechinery, 2.Theatricality, Audience Involvement and the Hanamichi, 3.The Hanamichi : Its Etymology and Evolution, 4.The Dynamism of the Revolving Stage, 5.The Commoners´ Realm of Pleasure, ・[CHAPTER II -- THE STYLIZED BEAUTY OF A FUSION OF THE ARTS : ACTING AND STAGING] 1.A ´Fusion of the Arts´, 2.The Artistry of Sound, 3.The Sense of Visual Beauty, 4.Yakusha, Yakugara and Onnagata, 5.Gei, Kata and Their Transmission, 6.The Creation of ´Negative Beauty´ ・[CHAPTER III -- UNIVERSAL HUMAN DRAMA : PLAYS AND PLAYWRIGHTS] 1.Kabuki and the Puppet Theatre, 2.The Tragedy of ´Parting from Loved Ones and the Anguish of Separation´, 3.Tragedies of Implicit Understanding and Acquiescence, 4.Kizewamono : Living for the Moment, ・[FINALE : KABUKI IN THE WORLD] 1.The Baroque Theatre of Japan, 2.Its Place in the History of World Theatre, 3.From the Nineteenth Century into the Twenty-First)


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