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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
Print Page 印刷用ページ
作成日:2011/06/12 00:45:06 JST最終更新日:2020/08/04 06:05:59 JST
TITULO The Essence of KARATE (★)
AUTOR Gichin Funakoshi
EDITORIAL Kodansha International
ISBN 978-4-7700-3118-1
NOTA (★)(船越義珍 : 空手道の神髄)(Karate´s prodigious rise from obscure, secretive Okinawan self-defense techniques to one of Japan´s most revered and recognizable martial traditions can be attributed to one man --Gichin Funakoshi, the Father of Modern Karate. While karate´s origins remain shrouded in mystery, Funakoshi worked tirelessly his whole life to spread his message of spirituality, and the importance of winning without fighting. Karate today has devotees from all over the world. In ´The Essence of Karate´, Funakoshi creates in his own words a narrative of modern karate, from its origins to its very essence, drawing on his vast personal insight and myriad experiences. His work describes a fascinating picture of this martial art, including memories of his training since childhood, and his own recollections and stories of many karate masters. Funakoshi strives to emphasize throughout these pages that true victory lies in not fighting, and, as well as exploring the philosophy of karate, he explains the reason why many great martial artists improve with age. The book includes a foreword by Hirokazu Kanazawa, one of Funakoshi´s closest disciples, who fondly remembers his former master through endearing anecdotes that shed more light on Funakoshi´s legendary status. This book will offer the reader a unique perspective on the history and art of karate as told through the eyes of its venerable master. Through careful perusal of these pages, the reader will come closer to understanding the very essence of karate. ◆Gichin Funakoshi, known as the legendary ´Father of Modern Karate,´ was born in Okinawa in 1868. He became one of karate´s great masters and the founder of the Shotokan school. He began training as a child in secretive martial arts techniques that had been passed down for generations in Okinawa, a region that would become known as the birthplace of karate. In 1922, at the request of the Japanese government, he gave a demonstration of these still little-known arts of self-defense on the Japanese mainland, thus giving rise to karate´s introduction to the rest of Japan and subsequently the world. He devoted the remainder of his life to karate and wrote several classics on the art including ´Karate-do Kyohan´,´Karate Jutsu´, and ´The Twenty Guiding Principles of Karate´, as well as an autobiography entitled ´Karate-do : My Way of Life.´ He passed away in 1957.)


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