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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
Print Page 印刷用ページ
作成日:2011/06/17 03:37:33 JST最終更新日:2020/05/28 00:22:57 JST
TITULO Educational Choice and Labor Markets in Japan (★)
AUTOR Mary Jean Bowman with the collaboration of Hideo Ikeda and Yasumasa Tomoda
EDITORIAL The University of Chicago Press
ISBN 0-226-06923-0
NOTA (★)(Postwar concerns with economic growth and equity in a changing world have encouraged developments in the study of human resources, education, and labor-market structures and processes. Japan offers an attractive subject for such investigations, posing, as the author of this book points out, a series of seeming paradoxes : an educational system at once elitist and popular, flexible and streamed, and labor market that are dynamic and free while constrained by life-commitment customs and the patronage system. Both the data and the analysis of this study are unique. In part their distinctiveness lies in the application of theoretical frameworks from sociology and economics to the analysis of determinants of educational and related career decisions. In part it lies in the use of literature on decision-making under uncertainty to illuminate how individuals and their parents perceive investments in education. Educational decisions are presented in terms of the opportunities open to variously situated persons and are seen as both responsive to and cumulatively contributing to changes in the occupational structure. Demographic swings modify those adjustments. While special features of the Japanese economic system are taken into account, this is not a story of the uniqueness of the Japanese example ; on the contrary, this book manifests the conviction of the author and her collaborators that there are commonalities among individuals and societies and that these commonalities must be identified behind the particularities in which they are imbedded. This study, then, has implications for economic policy regarding education in other countries and especially in the United States. Mary Jean Bowman is professor emeritus in the Department of Economics and Education at the University of Chicago. Hideo Ikeda is professor of education at Hiroshima University. Yasumasa Tomoda is professor of education at Osaka University. ▼CONTENTS : PART 1 - Points of Departure, 1.Educational Expansion and the Japanese Labor Force, 2.Key Decisions in Career Development, PART 2 - To Upper-Secondary School or the Labor Market : The Stage I Decision, 3.Selection into Upper-Secondary Curricula, 4.Course Preferences, Realizations, and Frustrations, 5.A Formal Stage I Decision Model and the Evidence, PART 3 - The College Option and the Stage II Decision, 6.To Higher Education or the Labor Market : The Decision Model and Its Context, 7.The College Decision : Location, Parental Traits, and Career Hopes, 8.Economic Constraints on College Attendance, 9.Income-Opportunity Perceptions and the College Decision, 10.The Higher Education Decision Reviewed, PART 4 - Careers in a Context of Change, 11.Occupational Paths : Student Expectations and Cohort Experiences, 12.How Students and Their Fathers Perceive Labor Markets, 13.Expected Earning Paths and What They Imply, PART 5 - Epilogue, 14.Issues and Prospects)


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