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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
Print Page 印刷用ページ
作成日:2011/06/19 11:47:33 JST最終更新日:2019/05/29 03:54:02 JST
TITULO Education and Examination in Modern Japan (★)
AUTOR Ikuo Amano
EDITORIAL University of Tokyo Press
ISBN 0-86008-448-5
NOTA (★)(The system of selection by examination was introduced to Japan after the Meiji Restoration of 1868, together with Western institutions and technologies that aided the nation in becoming an industrialized country. The examination system rapidly took root, until it became more deeply embedded in Japanese society than in any of the European countries where it originated. Although exams of all kinds were used --for accreditation, evaluation, and promotion and advancement-- the type that eventually became most characteristic of Japan was the entrance examination. In a system that continues today, schools at secondary and more advanced levels began administering their own examinations and admitting students on the basis of their scores. Employers, too, selected and promoted staff members on the basis of exam performance. In this book, a specialist in the sociology of education describes the development of Japan´s ´examination culture´during the nation´s first half-century of modernization, focusing on the role played by examinations in education and in the professional and vocational world. Ikuo Amano discusses the role of education in Japan´s development and traces the origins of today´s ´examination hell´ --the extreme pressures under which young people are placed as they grow up in a society in which examinations are the gateway to professional and social advancement. Ikuo Amano is Professor in the Faculty of Education, University of Tokyo, and author of a number of books on educational history and sociology. William K. Cummings is Lecturer at the Graduate School of Education, Harvard University. Fumiko Cummings, a graduate of Kyoto´s Doshisha University, has taught English and Japanese at schools in both Japan and the United States. Ronald P. Dore is Director of the Japan-Europe Industry Research Centre, Imperial College, University of London.)


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