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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
Print Page 印刷用ページ
作成日:2010/06/14 11:28:52 JST最終更新日:2020/02/16 03:44:00 JST
TITULO Experiencing the Twentieth Century (★)
AUTOR Nobutoshi Hagihara, Akira Iriye, Georges Nivat and Philip Windsor
EDITORIAL University of Tokyo Press
ISBN 0-86008-374-8
NOTA (★)(Every century in every part of the world for which we have any recorded history has experienced crises. Yet many people have the feeling that the crisis of the twentieth century is even deeper and of a different kind from that of any previous epoch. Why do we think this ? There are many reasons, and most derive from two principal features of our century... The twentieth century has seen horrors of at least as great and perhaps, because of the technical means at our disposal, greater than those of any previous century. It has also seen achievements which provide means to save, improve, and enrich human life as great or greater than those in any other century. The two are intimately connected, and in the perpetual struggle in history between good and evil it is too soon to say which will triumph... The discussion recorded in this volume has not been without some intellectual pessimism, but the tone of the argument, the rational analysis of a wide range of fundamental problems, has given ground for optimism. It has helped us look directly at the problems of our troubled and dramatic century. [from the Introduction by James Joll] What was the twentieth century? This is the question that sixteen scholars in history, politics, and philosophy address in this volume. They confront and relate interpretations of some of the central experiences of the century ---war, revolution, totalitarianism, concentration camps, technology, modernization--- and their implications for understanding the future. The distinguished list of contributors and the intrinsic importance of their subjects make this book an important contribution to understanding recent history. Nobutoshi Hagihara is a Writer and Historian. Akira Iriye is Professor of History, University of Chicago. George Nivat is Professor of Russian Language and Literature, University of Geneva. Philip Windsor is Reader in International Relations, London School of Economics and Political Science. ▼WAR AND PEACE〜´What Japan Means to the Twentieth Century´ by Hagihara Nobutoshi, ´War as Peace, Peace as War´ by Akira Iriye ▼THE TWENTIETH CENTURY STATE〜´The Slow Death of Imperialism´ by Wolfgang J. Mommsen, ´The State and Economic Organization in the Twentieth Century´ by Charles S. Maier ▼FREEDOM AND COMMUNITY〜´The Twentieth Century : Innovation and Immobility´ by Benjamin I. Schwartz, ´The Search for Community´ by Leszek Kolakowski ▼MAN AT HIS FRONTIER〜´The Nazi Phenomenon in theLight of Contemporary Controversies Concerning the Nazi Policies toward the Jews´ by Saul Friedlander, ´Man and the Gulag´ by Georges Nivat ▼TECHNOLOGY AND UTOPIA〜´Modernization and Japan´ by Kyogoku Jun-ichi, ´History and Social Science : The Paradox of American Utopianism´ by Barry D. Karl ▼HISTORY AND MEANING〜´The Conditions of Meaning and Their Destruction at the End of the Twentieth Century´ by Jeanne Hersch, ´The Twentieth Century as Self-Conscious History´ by Philip Windsor)


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