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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
Print Page 印刷用ページ
作成日:2012/06/17 02:26:46 JST最終更新日:2017/02/18 05:39:30 JST
TITULO Yoshitsune (A Fifteenth-Century Japanese Chronicle) (★)
AUTOR (trans. by Helen Craig McCullough)
EDITORIAL University of Tokyo Press
ISBN 3093-87014-5149 (UTP Number)
NOTA (★)Este libro es version con tapa blanda en papel. "CL-0002"es mismo libro con tapa dura en tela. →Ver la pagina del "CL-0002" para saber mas sobre "Minamoto no Yoshitsune".(1.This anonymous work, now translated into English for the first time, is a biography of Minamoto Yoshitsune [1159-1189], probably the single most famous figure in Japanese history. Thanks to the attractive character of Yoshitsune himself, and to the intensely dramatic quality of his story, the Yoshitsune legend has been a living part of the Japanese cultural tradition since the thirteenth century. The present work, which is the basic repository of information about Yoshitsune, has served as the main source for the thousands of noh plays, kabuki plays, novels, stories, poems, and motion pictures that have been devoted to this most romantic of Japanese heroes. The work itself also occupies a secure place in Japanese literary history as an unusual variant of the medieval´war tale´genre. An extensive introduction provides a strictly historical biography of Yoshitsune, examines the legend as a whole, and discusses the relationship between the book and the legend. 2.Helen Craig McCullough is professor in the Department of Oriental Languages, University of California at Berkeley. She has also translated ´the Tales of Ise´and´the Taiheiki´.)


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