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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
Print Page 印刷用ページ
作成日:2012/06/17 03:24:41 JST最終更新日:2017/02/14 02:43:08 JST
TITULO A Chronicle of Gods and Sovereigns (Jinno Shotoki of Kitabatake Chikafusa) (*) (★)
AUTOR (trans. by H. Paul Varley)
EDITORIAL Columbia University Press
ISBN 0-231-04940-4
NOTA (*)"CL-0013" es mismo libro. (★)"Jinno Shotoki[神皇正統記、北畠親房著(escrito en 1339)]" es una serie de documentos escritos con fines politicos tomando partido por el Gobierno de Yoshino(del lado del Emperador Godaigo) durante la Guerra Civil en Japon(1333-1392). (1.The first draft written, as its author later recalled,´without benefit of a single document other than an abridged imperial genealogy´, Jinnoo Shootooki [Chronicle of the Direct Descent of Gods and Sovereigns] is one of the most influential works of Japanese history and political theory. With its glorification of Japan´s system of imperial succession, Kitabatake Chikafusa´s fourteenth-century tract became the catechism of loyalty to the throne for generations of Japanese. A highly polemical work, Jinnoo Shootooki was intended to extol Japan´s superiority over all other countries by tracing the uninterrupted line of its sovereigns from the age of the gods. It begins by recounting Japan´s divine origins, telling of the early deities who ruled before heaven and earth were separated. Chikafusa then chronicles the lives of the human sovereigns who purportedly ruled over Japan in the 21centuries following the founding of the empire in the year 606 B.C., beginning with Emperor Jimmu and proceeding to the emperors of his own time, Godaigo and Gomurakami, who were engulfed in a period of dynastic schism and civil strife. H. Paul Varley has prepared the first complete English translation of this landmark work, together with an extensive introduction placing the chronicle in the context of fourteenth-century Japan and exploring its powerful legacy. ´A Chronicle of Gods and Sovereigns´ is a record of great importance for all research in the history of Japan prior to the Tokugawa period. 2.Professor of Japanese history at Columbia University, H. Paul Varley is the author of three books previously published by Columbia University Press : ´The Oonin War[1967]´,´Imperial Restoration in Medieval Japan[1971]´, and´A Syllabus of Japanese Civilization[2d ed., 1972]´.)


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