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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
Print Page 印刷用ページ
作成日:2013/06/14 22:59:21 JST最終更新日:2020/08/04 00:04:49 JST
TITULO Work Behavior and Human Resource Management in Japanese Firm (★)
AUTOR Takeshi Oyabu
EDITORIAL Keio University Press
ISBN 978-4-7664-1792-0
NOTA (★)(CASE and THEORY for Foreign Manager)(From my own personal perspective, I believe that Japanese companies look for people who have a strong sense of ´responsibility´ when doing their work. Even if tasks may lie outside of their specific job scope, these types of individuals maintain a flexible attitude and figure out how to resolve problems within an organization. In many Western companies this is basically the job of executives and managers. However, this practice is common and finds its way down to normal employees in Japanese organizations. We also take a look at how teamwork and human resources management is influenced by the various work styles in those organizations. ◆Takeshi OYABU, Assistant Professor of Human Resource Management, Graduate School of Business Administration, Keio University. BA, MA and Ph.D. in Economics, Kyoto University. His research major is human resource management of Japanese organization. In addition, he has been teaching healthcare and hospital management in the Faculty of Medicine and Graduate School of Health Management at Keio University.)


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