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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
Print Page 印刷用ページ
作成日:2016/10/17 01:33:22 JST最終更新日:2016/10/17 02:45:12 JST
TITULO Shot by Both Sides (★)
AUTOR Meisei Goto (*)
EDITORIAL Counterpoint
ISBN 978-1-58243-433-9
NOTA (*)(Translated by Tom Gill) (★)(´NI-0555´es mismo libro. Titulo original : 挟み撃ち[Hasamiuchi] 1.Critically acclaimed when first published in Japanese,´Shot by Both Sides´climbs inside a mind forever wounded by the childhood trauma of war. An intense stream of consciousness -with loops, flashbacks, and multiple digressions- takes us into the mind of Akaki, a middle-aged Japanese man. Wearing a business suit and overcoat, Akaki stands on a bridge in Tokyo and recalls how he awoke that morning, suddenly overwhelmed with a desire to locate the military greatcoat he was wearing when he first arrived in Tokyo from his hometown in rural Kyushu twenty years before. Memories of the day he has just spent fruitlessly searching for the coat mingle with memories of his lonely, lust-drenched teen years as a poor country boy lost in Tokyo -and with memories from his childhood in northern Korea under Japanese colonial rule, when his dreams of becoming a military hero were lost along with his father in Japan´s defeat.´Shot by Both Sides´is a compelling journey into the human spirit, an introspection that hints at madness beneath a thin veneer of sober recollection. 2.Meisei Goto [後藤明生, 1932-1999] was the prize-winning author of more than thirty novels. After fleeing from northern Korea during his adolescence, he remained in Japan for the rest of his life, where he worked as a novelist until his death in 1999.)


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