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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
Print Page 印刷用ページ
作成日:2016/10/18 22:54:00 JST最終更新日:2016/10/18 22:54:00 JST
TITULO Itty Bitty Crocheted Critters (Amigurumi with Attitude!) (★)
AUTOR Erin Clark
ISBN 978-4-8053-1251-3
NOTA (★)(1.Erin Clark [AKA Voodoo Maggie], the author of ´Voodoo Maggie´s Adorable Amigurumi´presents another stunning menagerie of cute critters to crochet, display, and share. This time the projects are made exponentially cuter because now they are really, really small. Why make these tiny guys? It´s mostly because they´re so darned cute, but you also can use them in a sculpture piece or for decorating a dollhouse or to add to a gift package. Also included are the directions and ideas for putting these itty-bitty creations into a fiber terrarium, where they look wonderful in a woodsy environment. You can make almost any pattern you have into a miniature simply by shrinking your supplies. By the same token, all of the patterns in this book can be made larger by swapping out the floss for worsted weight yarn and moving up to an H hook. So grab some magnifiers and a good bright lamp and get started on crafting these adorable miniature animals ! 2.Erin Clark was born into a crafty family. When she was six, Erin discovered crochet through a great grandmother, and it´s been her favorite craft hobby ever since. Erin lives in Oregon with her wonderful family, and a hobby that is now her job.)


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