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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
Print Page 印刷用ページ
作成日:2017/09/15 05:26:00 JST最終更新日:2017/09/16 00:48:39 JST
TITULO Vegetarian Sushi Secrets (101 Healthy and Delicious Recipes) (★)
AUTOR Marisa Baggett
IDIOMA 978-4-8053-1370-1
NOTA (★)(1.This cookbook offers completely new ways for locavores to enjoy their CSA and market vegetables with sushi rice. It´s the ultimate farm-to-table book with creative Asian flair! Marisa shows you how to make the usual thick and thin rolls, as well as other types of sushi that are just as delicious -and even easier to make. These recipes are about combining delicious rice with tantalizing pairings youmight not have tried or thought of before, such as : ´Apple & daikon radish´,´Cucumber & peanut´,´Spicy carrot & tomato´,´Pomegranate & basil´,´Ginger & beet´,´Summer corn & pickled okra´,´Sweet potato & shiitake mushrooms´ and´Strawberries & rhubarb´. All of Marisa´s sushi recipes are extremely simple to make. For example, her Tempura Avocado Hand Rolls are a snap to put together -even if you´ve never made sushi before! Marisa starts by giving surefire recipes for making perfect sushi rice every time. She provides tips on which vegetables work best with sushi rice and how to create your own original combinations.´Vegetarian Sushi Secrets´is a gem of a book that shows you how to make foolproof thin rolls, thick rolls, inside-out rolls, hand rolls and inari sushi, along with a range of creative side dishes to accompany them. 2.Marisa Baggett arrived in Los Angeles from her home in Mississippi with one goal in mind : to learn as much as she could about great sushi. At the California Sushi Academy she studied sushi preparation, sushi culture and how to make other Japanese dishes. She became the school´s first black female graduate and returned to her Southern home to share her ´Southern-style sushi´. She teaches workshops on sushi making, caters sushi events, and works with caterers in the Memphis Jewish community to supply kosher sushi for special events. She is the author of ´Sushi Secrets : Easy Recipes for the Home Cook [Tuttle Publishing, 2012]´.)


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