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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
Print Page 印刷用ページ
作成日:2017/10/14 00:45:07 JST最終更新日:2017/10/15 02:53:10 JST
TITULO Unsung Heroes of Old Japan (★)
AUTOR Michifumi Isoda (*)
EDITORIAL Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture
ISBN 978-4-916055-76-7
NOTA (*)(Translated by Juliet Winters Carpenter) (★)(1.「Kokudaya Juzaburo」, 2.「Nakane Toori」, 3.「Ootagaki Rengetsu」1.True stories of three little-known Japanese of the Edo period who lived lives of sublime selflessness and purity, blurring the boundary between self and others. Merchant Kokudaya Juzaburo comes up with a brilliant scheme to rescue his dying town from poverty. He and others go deep into debt, risking all to raise money for the cash-strapped daimyo and receive annual interest in return. Prodigious scholar and former Zen monk Nakane Toori refuses a government post and elects to live in abject poverty, weaving sandals. Though perhaps the age´s greatest poet, he throws his works into the fire and ends his days teaching in a country village. Ootagaki Rengetsu, a noted beauty in Kyoto, loses two husbands and five children. She becomes a Buddhist nun and devotes her life to poetry and pottery. With her savings she feeds the hungry and builds a bridge across Kamo River. 2.Michifumi Isoda, Born in 1970 in Okayama Prefecture, he is descended from a chief retainer of Kamogata Domain, a connection that led to an early interest in historical documents. In 2002, he received a Ph.D. in history from Keio University. Formerly on the faculty of Shizuoka University of Art and Culture, he is now an associate professor at the International Research Center for Japanese Studies in Kyoto. His bestselling novel ´Bushi no kakeibo : Kaga-han gosanyoomono no bakumatsu ishin [A samurai´s account-book : The accounting officer of Kaga Domain on the eve of the Meiji Restoration]´ won the 2003 Shinchoo Document Prize. Isoda has written many other works, including ´Tensai kara Nihonshi o yominaosu [Reexamining Japanese history through natural disasters]´ and ´Tokugawa ga tsukutta senshinkoku Nihon [The advanced nation of Japan that took shape in the Tokugawa era]´.)


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