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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
Print Page 印刷用ページ
作成日:2017/11/23 04:45:03 JST最終更新日:2017/11/27 00:56:45 JST
TITULO Perspectives on Sino-Japanese Diplomatic Relations (★)
AUTOR The Yomiuri Shimbun Political News Department (*)
EDITORIAL Japan Publishing Industry Foundation for Culture
ISBN 978-4-916055-87-3
NOTA (*)(Translated by John Rossman) (★)(1.In East Asia, the growth center of the post-Cold War world, two regional powerhouses survey one another from opposite sides of the Japan Sea. China, a rising power with tremendous economic clout and an increasingly assertive foreign and military policy, and Japan, a respected leader in the region and a mature nation enjoying its greatest political stability in many years, must coexist for the peace and prosperity of East Asia and the Asia-Pacific. But just how well can these neighbors -and oftentimes rivals- get along? What stands in the way? And who else is caught up in their volatile relationship? 2.The Yomiuri Shimbun is a Japanese national newspaper with a 140-year history. Through the three headquarters and regional bureaus throughout Japan and major cities of the world, it reports on domestic and foreign issues on the morning and evening editions. Its morning newspaper alone exceeds 9,000,000 copies, giving the newspaper the largest circulation in the world.)


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