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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
Print Page 印刷用ページ
作成日:2020/04/09 03:19:55 JST最終更新日:2020/04/12 03:15:28 JST
TITULO  〃 (Volume II) (★)
AUTOR  〃 (*)
EDITORIAL Anthem Press
ISBN 978-0-85728-045-9
NOTA (*)(Translated by Jeffrey Hunter) (★)(井上ひさし[1934-2010], Titulo original : 東京セブンローズ [Tokyo sebun rozu, 1999], In the waning months of WWII and the beginning of the Occupation, fan-maker Shinsuke Yamanaka learrns by chance that the Occupation forces are plotting a nefarious scheme : in order to cut Japan off from its dreadful past, they intend to see that the language is written henceforth using the alphabet. To fight off this unheard-of threat to the integrity of Japanese culture, seven beautiful women --the Seven Roses-- take a stand. ◆Hisashi Inoue is an award-winning Japanese scriptwriter, playwright and novelist, and winner of the Kishida Kunio Stage Drama Award (1972), The Minister of Education Award for New Artists (1972), the Naoki Prize (1972), the Japan SF Grand Prize (1981), the Seiun Prize (1982) and the Tanizaki Jun-ichiro Prize (1991). Jeffrey Hunter has worked as a translator and editor for 25 years, specializing in religion, philosophy, art, architecture, and both modern and Edo-period literature.


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