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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
Print Page 印刷用ページ
作成日:2020/04/19 04:29:53 JST最終更新日:2020/04/19 04:33:50 JST
TITULO The Case of the Sharaku Murders (★)
AUTOR Katsuhiko Takahashi (*)
EDITORIAL Thames River Press
ISBN 978-0-85728-129-6
NOTA *)(Translated by Ian MacDonald) (★)(高橋克彦 [1947-], ´NI-0026´ es mismo libro. Titulo original : 写楽殺人事件 [Sharaku satsujin jiken, 1986] 1.When the body of Saga Atsushi, Japan´s preeminent connoisseur of ukiyo-e [woodblock prints], is pulled from the ocean off the coast of Tohoku, having apparently committed suicide, the shocked Japanese art world turns out to mourn his death. Among them is Ryohei, an up-and-coming young ukiyo-e scholar and research assistant to Saga´s colleague-turned-rival, Professor Nishijima. But a chance encounter with an old friend makes Ryohei wonder if there might be more to Saga´s death than meets the eye... Uncover murder and mystery in the art world in this Edogawa Rampo Prize-winning novel. ◆Katsuhiko Takahashi is an award-winning Japanese novelist whose accolades include the Edogawa Rampo Prize for´Sharaku satsujin jiken [The Case of the Sharaku Murders]´, the Yoshikawa Eiji Prize for New Writers for´Soumon dani [The Soumon Valley]´, the Naoki Prize for´Akai kioku [The Scarlet Memories]´ and the Yoshikawa Eiji Prize for Literature for´Ka en [Flaming Rancour]´. He has also written works in a wide range of genres including action romance, historical fiction, horror and mystery.)


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