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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/07/25 00:15:33 JSTLastUpdate:2020/10/05 01:29:22 JST
TITULO Complete Kendo (š)
AUTOR John J. Donohue
ISBN 0-8048-3148-3
NOTA (š)(LComplete KendoL is a thorough introduction to the Japanese martial way of the sword and a guided tour of the principles and philosophy upon which the art is founded. John Donohue covers everything from the care and handling of LhakamaL, the pleated trousers worn by Lkendoka (practitioners of kendo)L, to the methods of cultivating the meditative state of Lmushin (no mind)L, all in an easy conversational dialogue that is a great pleasure to read.@^Structured to echo the organization of the LBook of Five RingsL by Miyamoto Musashi, LComplete KendoL is a modern version of the swordsmanLs primer by a martial artist skilled not only in the art of kendo but, like Musashi, in many traditional Japanese arts, and with a superb understanding of the martial tradition and culture of Japan. The author uses lessons learned from a long career of teaching martial arts and academic subjects to impart clearly and concisely the fundamentals of kendo and the martial way.@^With explanatory line drawings by Kathleen Sweeney illustrating significant points of discussion, a handy glossary of kendo terminology and related concepts, and an unusually helpful bibliography, LComplete KendoL is an essential volume for every kendokaLs personal library.@ŸJohn J. Donohue is an anthropologist specializing in the study of Japanese culture, history, and language who also has an extensive background as a student of the traditional martial arts of karatedo, juso, aikido, and iaido. A professor and academic dean at Medaille College, the associate editor of the LJournal of Asian Martial ArtsL, and a long-time member of the Buffalo, New York, Kendo Club, Donohue brings the rigorous academic standards of his profession to his avocation, practicing and writing about the martial arts.)


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