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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/05/19 05:46:13 JSTLastUpdate:2023/01/18 05:35:00 JST
TITULO Matsuri (World of Japanese Festivals) (š)
AUTOR Gorazd Vilhar , Charlotte Anderson
EDITORIAL Shufunotomo
ISBN 4-07-976066-3
NOTA (š)(LTU-0070L es mismo libro.^@LMATSURIL is a visual celebration of JapanLs splendid cycle of festivals. While approaching this bountiful and transcendent theme as art, the authors also find within it both source and symbol of Japanese cultural identity.^@Arising predominantly from the indigenous Shinto faith, LmatsuriL are the ultimate form of worship. The myriad deities are implored, thanked, and honored through ceremonial and celebratory acts following traditional, sometimes ancient forms. Imbued with the power of ritual and an often surreal beauty, their compelling aim remains as it has always been throughout the ages : to please the gods.^@The regard for their national past and respect for tradition and form apparent in these observances demonstrate values which the Japanese also honor in their daily lives, in their family, social and business interactions. An awareness of the cultural traditions revealed here brings a deeper understanding of Japan and its people. MATSURI is the fruit of the authorsL quest, a search for the festivals of Japan which covered hundreds of thousands of kilometers and took over nine years to complete. From the wealth of Gorazd VilharLs countless images of these festivals, MATSURI comprises a treasured selection.^@ŸGorazd Vilhar : Born and educated in Slovenia, he has made Japan his home since 1985. Vilhar brings to his work an artistLs perception and a trained art historianLs eye for detail. His dramatic photographs of Japan and the world have been published in numerous international culture and travel magazines. Charlotte Anderson : Born and educated in the United States, she has lived abroad since 1978. She conducted ethnological research in Slovenia as a Fulbright Scholar, and in Bosnia as an independent researcher. In Japan she continues to pursue her fascination for the diversity of world culture through her work as a freelance writer and photographer.)


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