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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/07/25 10:56:54 JSTLastUpdate:2021/05/31 05:03:10 JST
TITULO Naomi (š)
AUTOR Junichiroo Tanizaki
ISBN 978-4-8053-0622-2
NOTA (š)(Translated by Anthony H. Chambers^@Titulo original : ’sl‚̈¤ [Chijin no Ai]^@Naomi is a LmogaL, a Lmodern girlLwho defies Japanese tradition in dress, etiquette, and morality. She bobs her hair, prefers Western clothes and makeup, and likes to think she resembles a Hollywood star. Her story, a satirical tale of love and obsession set in 1920s Tokyo, is narrated by her bemused husband, Joji, an engineer in his thirties who first comes upon Naomi as a fifteen-year-old bar hostess.^@She strikes him as endearingly passive, an ideal subject for education in the social graces, and the personification of his dream woman. She agrees to live with him, whereupon her transformation --and JojiLs troubles-- begin.^@ŸJunichi Tanizaki [1886-1965], widely considered one of JapanLs finest modern writers, was born in Tokyo and lived there until the earthquake of 1923. In that year he moved to the Kyoto-Osaka region, the setting for his great novel The Makioka Sisters. His most important novels and stories, many reflecting his taste for sexual perversity, his eye for social comedy, and his bitter humor, were written after his move to the Kansai. Tanizaki received the Imperial Prize for Literature in 1949. He was the first Japanese to be elected an Honorary Member of the American Academy and the National Institute of Arts and Letters.)


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