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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/07/26 00:47:00 JSTLastUpdate:2021/07/02 00:23:55 JST
TITULO A Wild Haruki Chase (Reading Murakami Around the World) (š)
AUTOR The Japan Foundation
EDITORIAL Stone Bridge Press
ISBN 978-1-933330-66-2
NOTA (š)(Japanese novelist Haruki MurakamiLs best-selling books, including LNorwegian WoodL, LThe Wind-Up Bird ChronicleL, and LKafka on the ShoreL, have been translated into forty languages, and his dreamlike prose delights readers across borders and datelines. What lies behind this phenomenal international appeal? The Japan Foundation asked novelists, translators, artists, and critics from around the world to answer this question. LA Wild Haruki ChaseL presents their intriguing findings. Neuroscience, revolution, a secret Chinese connection ... youLll never read Murakami the same way again.^@¥CONTENTS^@œIntroduction : The Murakami Aeroplain (by Jay Rubin, Japanese-English translator ; professor at Harvard University)^@To Translate and to Be Translated (by Haruki Murakami)^@¡A WILD HARUKI CHASE^@œHow to View the LHaruki BoomL (by Inuhiko Yomota, Comparative Literature professor, Meiji Gakuin University)^@œThe Global Distributed Self-Mirroring Subterranean Neurological Soul-Sharing Picture Show (by Richard Powers, novelist)^@œWhat We Talk About When We Talk About Murakami (by Roland Kelts, lecturer, University of Tokyo ; editor, LA Public SpaceL)^@œThe Sense of Loss in MurakamiLs Works and KoreaLs 386 Generation (by Kim Choon Mie, Japanese-Korean translator)^@œWhat Russians See in Murakami (by Ivan Sergeevich Logatchov, Japanese-Russian translator)^@œLu Xun and Murakami : A Genealogy of the Ah Q Image in East Asian Literature (by Shozo Fujii, Comparative literature professor, University of Tokyo)^@œThe Other Side of Happiness : Acting in Tony Takikani (by Issey Ogata, actor)^@œHaruki Murakami as a Contemporary Phenomenon (by Koichi Oi, reporter, Mainichi Shimbun)^@œContemporary Japanese Literature Finds a Global Following (by Shinya Machida, reporter, Yomiuri, Shimbun)^@The Making of LA Wild Haruki ChaseL (by Koji Sato, Ayumi Hashimoto, Aya Tamura [Japan Foundation program officers])^@Murakami Books Worldwide^@About the Contributors^)


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