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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/07/26 04:08:15 JSTLastUpdate:2020/08/25 21:44:56 JST
TITULO The Hidden Roots of Aikido (Aiki Jujutsu Daitoryu) (š)
AUTOR Shiro Omiya
EDITORIAL Kodansha International
ISBN 978-4-7700-2327-8
NOTA (š)(Secret Techniques of an Ancient Martial Art)(The Daitoryu is a brutally effective fighting method thought to have been first developed more than a thousand years ago by members of the Japanese imperial family. It was then refined and honed in great secrecy through centuries of hand-to-hand combat by highly trained warriors. Its techniques were jealously guarded until late in the nineteenth century, when it was first introduced to the world by master Sokaku Takeda, who began to accept students from around the country. It was this tradition that Morihei Ueshiba spent years studying just before he set out on his own to found Aikido --which has in recent years become one of the worldLs most popular martial arts. The roots of Aikido are in the Daitoryu, and for that reason Aikido practitioners will want to learn all they can about this martial art. LThe Hidden Roots of AikidoL is the first book to appear in English that offers a detailed visual introduction to techniques of the Daitoryu tradition. Heavily illustrated with approximately 800 photographs, it gives a clear, complete picture of the steps involved in about 90 techniques. Its substantial section on history and theory takes a close look at the DaitoryuLs historical background and philosophy, while a glossary of terms provides a handy list of the most important terms. LThe Hidden Roots of AikidoL will be an indispensable learning tool for students of the Daitoryu, and a valuable reference for other martial arts practitioners.@ŸShiro Omiya studied Aiki Jujutsu Daitoryu with Kozui Tsuruyama, a second-generation disciple of Sokaku Takeda, the master who first introduced the Daitoryu to the world.)


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