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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/07/26 11:36:35 JSTLastUpdate:2021/01/21 00:03:40 JST
TITULO Just Enough (Lessons in Living Green from Traditional Japan) (š)
AUTOR Azby Brown
EDITORIAL Kodansha International
ISBN 978-4-7700-3074-0
NOTA (š)([‰p•¶”Å]’n‹…‚ð‹~‚€]ŒËæi‚̃GƒRƒƒW[)(LJust EnoughL is a book of stories and sketches, depictions of vanished ways of life told from the point of view of a contemporary observer. It tells how people lived in Japan some two hundred years ago during the late Edo period, when traditional technology and culture were at the peak of development, just before the country opened itself to the West and joined the ranks of the industrialized nations.^@Only a few centuries earlier, the country had been on the brink of disaster, its environment pushed to the edge through overly aggressive use of natural resources. But the government and people overcame many of the identical problems that confront us today --issues of energy, water, materials, food, and population-- and forged from these formidable challenges a society that was conservation-minded, waste-free, well-housed and well-fed, and economically robust, and that has bequeathed to us admirable and enduring standards of design and beauty.^@From these pages, readers will gain insight into what it is like to live in a sustainable society : how larger concerns can guide daily decisions and how social and environmental contexts shape our courses of action. The book illustrates the environmentally related problems that the people in both rural and urban areas faced, the conceptual frameworks in which they viewed these problems, and how they went about finding solutions. Included at the end of each section are a number of lessons in which the author elaborates on just what Edo-period life has to offer us in the global battle to reverse environmental degradation.^@LJust EnoughL, more than anything else, is about a mentality that once pervaded Japanese society and that can serve as a beacon for our own efforts to achieve sustainability today.^@ŸAzby Brown, a native of New Orleans, Louisiana, is the director of the KIT Future Design Institute in Tokyo. He studied architecture and sculpture at Yale College, graduating in 1980, and entered the Department of Architecture of the University of Tokyo in 1985 under a grant from the Japanese Ministry of Education. He received his masterLs degree in 1988 and completed his PhD research in 1995. He is the author of LThe Genius of Japanese Carpentry (1995)L, LSmall Spaces (1996)L, LThe Japanese Dream House (2001)L, and LThe Very Small Home (2005)L, all published by Kodansha International. He became an associate professor of architectural design at the Kanazawa Institute of Technology in 1995, and currently holds a position there in the Department of Media Informatics.^@¥CONTENTS^@œPART I : FIELD AND FOREST^The Farmer from Kai Province^Rice Cultivation^Rice Production and Its Byproducts^Thatching a Roof^Building Materials and Their Virtues^Learning from Field and Forest^@œPART II : THE SUSTAINABLE CITY^The Carpenter of Edo^Ground Transportation^Learning from the Sustainable City^@œPART III : A LIFE OF RESTRAINT^The Samurai of Edo^Daimyo Estates^Learning from a Life of Restraint^)


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