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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/08/16 00:15:12 JSTLastUpdate:2022/02/14 23:30:32 JST
TITULO A Haiku Journey (š)
AUTOR (Translated by Dorothy Britton)
EDITORIAL Kodansha International
ISBN -----
NOTA (š)(BashoLs `The Narrow Road to the Far NorthL and Selected Poems^@LPO-0216L es version renovada de este libro.^@‰p•¶”Ł@‰œ‚̍ד¹^@In the seventeenth century, the pilgrim-poet Bashoo undertook on foot a difficult and perilous journey to the remote northeastern provinces of Honshu, JapanLs main island. Throughout the five-month journey, the master of haiku kept a record of his impressions in a prose-poetry diary later called LThe Narrow Road to a Far ProvinceL. His diary was to become one of the classics of Japanese literature.^@Noted professor of Japanese literature J. Thomas Rimer wrote of this classic : LIn his diary, which Bashoo kept reworking and revising until his death, he mixed fact, fiction, poetry, and prose to create the record of a journey that moves both geographically and spiritually, one strand mixing with the other on virtually every page. Read and reread with care,LThe Narrow Road to a Far ProvinceL can reveal more qualities still basic to Japanese cultural attitudes than perhaps any other work in the whole canon of classical literature. For once, the highest of reputations is truly deserved.L^@ŸDorothy Britton --writer, poet, and composer-- is half English and half American, and was born in Japan. Educated in all three countries, she studied composition with Darius Milhaud at Mills College in California. Her suites LYedo FantasyL and LTokyo ImpressionsL were described by the American Record Guide as a highly successful Ltranslation of the koto-samisen aesthetic into Occidental terms.L^@Besides music, she has published poems, essays, articles, and books in both English and Japanese, as well as numerous translations. She is the author of LThe Japanese CraneL and co-author of LNational Parks of JapanL, and more recently she has translated Prince ChichibuLs autobiography,LThe Silver DrumL.)


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