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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/08/16 00:23:12 JSTLastUpdate:2019/06/18 03:02:12 JST
TITULO Kokinshu (Ancient and Modern Collection of Poems) (š)
AUTOR (trans. by Laurel Rasplica Rodd with Mary Catherine Henkenius)
EDITORIAL University of Tokyo Press
ISBN 4-13-087048-3 (UTP)
NOTA (š)(This book is the first complete translation of the tenth-century work LKokinshuuL, one of the three most important anthologies of the Japanese classical tradition. Winner of the Japan-United States Friendship CommissionLs Friendship Fund Literary Translation Award for 1982, it presents the entire work, including annotated translations not only of the 1,111 poems but also of the Japanese and Chinese prefaces, the Chinese preface being translated by Leonard Grzanka. To the translations are added the translatorLs introduction and an essay on the Chinese influences on the Kokinshuu prefaces by John Timothy Wixted. Unlike anthologies in other literatures, this one is meant to be read as a unit. Royally commissioned to return Japanese poetry to the Japanese public arena after a vogue for Chinese literature, its compilers linked the poems by topic, theme, imagery, and chronological and narrative progression to form an integrated anthology. Laurel Rasplica Rodd is Associate Professor of Japanese at Arizona State University.)


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