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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/08/16 01:07:15 JSTLastUpdate:2019/06/08 00:33:40 JST
TITULO From the Country of Eight Islands (An Anthology of Japanese Poetry)(š)
AUTOR (trans. by Hiroaki Sato and Burton Watson)
EDITORIAL University of Washington Press
ISBN 0-295-95798-0
NOTA (š)(LNI-390Les mismo libro publicado por otro editorial con tapa blanda. LFrom the Country of Eight IslandsLpresents the range of Japanese poetry in a manner never before attempted. These translations--most done especially for this anthology and appearing here for the first time-- include a generous sampling of poems from the most famous Japanese anthologies as well as a full selection of works by individual poets. Ranging from the Kojiki (Record of Ancient Matters), the earliest extant history of Japan, compiled in 712, to a nineteenth-century transcript of a cycle of rice-planting songs, and from Kakinomoto no Hitomaro, the greatest writer of elegies who lived in the sixth century, to such recent poets as Tomioka Taeko, this anthology demonstrates the complexity and richness of fifteen hundred years of poetic tradition. This heritage is presented in such a way as to convey the flavor of the original poems. Thus, not only are large numbers of poems by different poets translated for each form, but also included are Fujiwara no TeikaLs anthology of 103 tanka ; a no play ; six sequences of renga or linked verse ; the Lfrog matchesLin which Basho participated ; and some longer modern poems rendered in full. The translations are faithful to the original and idiomatic, allowing the reader to appreciate the subtle shades of emotion so important in Japanese verse. In addition, a general introduction, textual notes, biographical notes on the poets, and bibliography provide a thorough background. This is an unparalleled anthology through which the reader can discover one of the worldLs oldest literatures. Hiroaki Sato is a translator and research assistant at the Japan Trade Center. Burton Watson is currently a translator in Japan. Thomas Rimer is professor of Japanese language and literature and chairman of the department of Chinese and Japanese at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. ¨ŸSONGS FROM THE KOJIKI` ŸPOEMS FROM THE MAN-YOOSHUU`Emperor Yuuryaku [418-479], Emperor Jomei [593-641], Fujiwara no Kamatari [614-669], Emperor Teji [died 671], Prince Arima [640-658], Prince Ikusa [dates uncertain], Princess Nukada [seventh century], Anonymous Lady, Emperor Temmu [645-686], Empress Jitoo [645-702], Prince Ootsu [663-686], Prince Shiki [668-716], Princess Tajima [died 708], Prince Niu [dates uncertain], Kakinomoto no Hitomaro [active c.700], Yosami [dates uncertain], Takechi no Kurohito [dates uncertain], Mikata no Sami [dates uncertain], Prince Aki [dates uncertain], Ono no Oyu [died 738], Yamanoue no Okura [?660-?733], Ootomo no Tabito [665-731], Takahashi Mushimaro [dates uncertain], Kasa no Kanamura [dates uncertain], Yamabe no Akahito [active beginning of the eighth century], Lady Ootomo no Sakanoue [active beginning of the eighth century], Lady Kasa [mid-eighth century], Sami Mansei [dates uncertain], Three Anonymous Poems with Stories, Thirteen Anonymous Sedooka, Eight Anonymous Exchanges, Six Anonymous Chooka, Twenty-three Anonymous Tanka on Love, Twenty-five Azuma Uta and Sakimori no Uta, Ootomo no Yakamochi [716-?785]@ŸTHE AGE OF TANKA`Preface to the Kokinshuu, Ariwara no Narihira [825-880], Ono no Komachi [mid-ninth century], Twenty-one Anonymous Tanka from the Kokinshuu, Sugawara no Michizane [845-903], Lady Ise [died 939], Ki no Tsurayuki [c.868-c.946], Ooe no Asatsuna [886-957], Minamoto no Shitagoo [911-983], Lady Izumi [born c.976], Kagura, Saibara, Azuma Asobi Uta, Fuuzoku Uta, Thirty-two Songs from the Ryoojin hishoo, Fujiwara no Shunzei [1114-1204], Saigyoo [1118-1190], Princess Shikishi [died 1201], Myooe [1173-1232], Fujiwara no Teika [1162-1241], Minamoto no Sanetomo [1192-1219], Kyoogoku Tamekane [1254-1332], Gozan Poetry [Kanshi]@ŸTHE AGE OF RENGA`Renga LHighly RenownedL, Teika, n Noo play, Renga : Three Poets at Yuyama, Ten Kouta from the Kanginshuu, Thirty-six Tsukeai from the Inutsukubashuu, Renga : LPine ResinL, Renga : ILm a Flower, Konishi Raizan [1654-1716], Matsuo Bashoo [1644-1694], Uejima Onitsura [1661-1738], Takarai Kikaku [1661-1707], Mukai Kyorai [1651-1704], Naitoo Joosoo [1662-1704], Nozawa Bonchoo [died 1714], Kaai Chigetsu [?1634-?1708], Shiba Sonome [1664-1726], Frog Matches, Chiyojo [1703-1775], Tan Taigi [1709-1771], Yosa Buson [1716-1783], Katoo Kyootai [1732-1792], Miura Chora [1729-1780], Takai Kitoo [1741-1789], Nine Kyooka, Forty-seven Senryuu, Ryookan [1758-1831], Kaya Shirao [?1738-1791], Rice-Planting Songs, Two Folksongs, Kobayashi Issa [1763-1827], Natsume Seibi [1749-1816], Rai San-yoo [1781-1832], Tachibana Akemi [1812-1868]@ŸTHE MODERN AGE`Masaoka Shiki [1867-1902], Shimazaki Tooson [1872-1943], Yosano Akiko [1878-1942], Kitahara Hakushuu [1885-1942], Wakayama Bokusui [1885-1928], Ishikawa Takuboku [1886-1912], Saitoo Mokichi [1882-1953], Takamura Kootaroo [1883-1956], Hagiwara Sakutaroo [1886-1942], Ozaki Hoosai [1885-1926], Miyazawa Kenji [1896-1933], Nishiwaki Junzaburoo [born 1894], Kaneko Mitsuharu [1895-1975], Takiguchi Shuuzoo [1903-1979], Ono Toozaburoo [born 1903], Maruyama Kaoru [1899-1974], Tachihara Michizoo [1914-1939], Tamura Ryuuichi [born 1923], Tanikawa Shuntaroo [born 1931], Ishigaki Rin [born 1920], Anzai Hitoshi [born 1919], Yoshioka Minoru [born 1919], Ishihara Yoshiroo [1915-1977], Tomioka Taeko [born 1935], Takahashi Mutsuo [born 1937])


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