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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/08/17 00:41:35 JSTLastUpdate:2020/09/19 03:20:17 JST
TITULO Seven Samurai (Žµl‚ÌŽ˜) (š)
AUTOR Joan Mellen
EDITORIAL British Film Institute
ISBN 0-85170-915-X
NOTA (š)(In LSeven Samurai (1954)L a whole society is on the verge of irrevocable change. Akira KurosawaLs celebrated film, regarded by many to be the major achievement of Japanese cinema, is an epic that evokes the cultural upheaval brought on by the collapse of Japanese militarism in the sixteenth century, echoing also the sweeping cultural changes occurring in the aftermath of the American Occupation.@^The plot is deceptively simple. A village of farmers is beleaguered by a horde of bandits. In desperation the farmers decide to hire itinerant samurai to protect their crops and people and defeat the bandits. There had never been a Japanese film in which peasants hired samurai, or an evocation of the social transformation that made such an idea credible.@^There are six samurai and one who is accepted as such. Together they reflect the ideals and values of a noble class near the point of extinction. LSeven SamuraiL may be the greatest action film, a technical masterpiece unmatched in its depiction of movement and violence, but running beneath the sound and fury is a lament for a lost nobility,La dirge for the spirit of JapanL, according to Joan Mellen,Lwhich will never again be so strongL.@^Mellen contextualises LSeven SamuraiL, marking its place in Japanese cinema and in KurosawaLs career. She explores the filmLs roots in medieval history and, above all, the astonishing visual language in which Kurosawa created his elegiac epic.@^Joan Mellen is Professor of English and Creative Writing at Temple University, Philadelphia. Among her books are LVoices from the Japanese Cinema (1975)L, LThe Waves at GenjiLs Door : Japan Through Its Cinema (1976)L and the dual biography LHellman and Hammett : The Legendary Passion of Lilian Hellman and Dashiell Hammett (1996)L.)


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