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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/08/17 00:49:40 JSTLastUpdate:2020/09/10 23:42:20 JST
TITULO Contemporary Japanese Film (š)
AUTOR Mark Schilling
EDITORIAL Weatherhill
ISBN 083480415-8
NOTA (š)(This comprehensive look at Japanese cinema in the 1990s includes nearly four hundred reviews of individual films and a dozen interviews and profiles of leading directors and producers. Interpretive essays provide an overview of some of the key issues and themes of the decade, and provide background and context for the treatment of individual films and artists.@^In Mark SchillingLs view, Japanese film is presently in a period of creative ferment, with a lively independent sector challenging the conventions of the industry main-stream. Younger filmmakers are rejecting the stale formulas that have long characterized major studio releases, reaching out to new influences from other media --television, comics, music videos, and even computer games-- and from both the West and other Asian cultures. In the process they are creating fresh and exciting films that range from the meditative to the manic, offering hope that Japanese film will not only survive but thrive as it enters the new millennium.@ŸMark Schilling set off for Japan in 1975 to immerse himself in the culture, learn the language, and haunt the theaters. He has been there ever since. In 1989 he became a regular film reviewer for the Japan Times, and has written on Japanese film for a variety of other publications, including Screen International, the Japan edition of Premier, the Asian edition of Newsweek, Asian Wall Street Journal, Japan Quarterly, Winds, Cinemaya, and Kinema Jumpo. He is author of the Encyclopedia of Japanese Pop Culture, published by Weatherhill in 1997.@¥CONTENTS^@œESSAYS^Mainstream Japanese Film^The New Breed of Japanese Film^The New Wave of the Nineties^@œINTERVIEWS AND PROFILES^Masahiro Shinoda^Akira Kurosawa^Yoji Yamada^Kazuyoshi Okuyama^Yoichi Sai^Isao Takahata^Shunji Iwai^Masayuki Suo^Juzo Itami^Naomi Sento^Makoto Shinozaki^Takeshi Kitano^Jun Ichikawa^Takenori Sento^Hirokazu Koreeda^@œPHOTOS^@œFILM REVIEWS^@œINDEX^)


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