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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/08/22 01:30:02 JSTLastUpdate:2018/11/13 05:59:50 JST
TITULO Historical Chanoyu (š)
AUTOR Herbert E. Plutschow
EDITORIAL The Japan Times
ISBN 4-7890-0311-6
NOTA (š)LCT-0067LyLCT-0073Lson mismos libros. (1.Among the arts of aristocratic Japan, the art of Tea is perhaps the one that the West most thinks of when it thinks of the elegance of JapanLs myriad art forms. Although the art of serving tea had been employed from ancient times in Buddhist ceremonies, it was refined into the elegant art, indeed, into the Way of Tea, by a man well versed in tea and in flower arranging named Sen no Rikyu [1520-91]. Rikyu not only raised the way of the tea ceremony to the level of one of the most refined and exquisite of JapanLs contributions to the world of art, but also founded the Senke school of tea, whose strict rules and regulations, prescribing even the size and shape of the various utensils used, are strictly kept even today in the three surviving Senke schools of tea : the Ura Senke, the Omote Senke, and the Mushanokoji Senke. This informative volume gives the curious reader a fully documented history of the way of tea, even offering insights gained from the authorLs inclusion of translations of rare documents. It describes one tea ceremony --the noonday ceremony-- in explicit detail, with copious photographs. The book as a whole is lavishly illustrated with over 100 photographs that include portraits of the early tea masters as well as reproductions of some of the tea ceremonyLs most exquisite works of art, some that have even been designated National Treasures by the Japanese government. This east-to-follow exposition of one of JapanLs most difficult to understand arts is a must for anyone desiring to know more about Japan and the Japanese spirit. 2.Herbert E. Plutschow was born in Zurich, Switzerland. He went to school in Switzerland, Great Britain and Spain before entering Paris University. After graduating in Russian Literature, he came to Japan with a Ministry of Education scholarship and studied at Waseda University. In 1973, he received a Ph.D. in Japanese classical literature from Columbia University in New York. He taught at the University of Illinois, University of Zurich, Switzerland and at the International Christian University in Tokyo. He presently is an associate professor at the University of California at Los Angeles.)


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