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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/08/23 00:58:30 JSTLastUpdate:2021/09/08 00:47:25 JST
TITULO Japan, The Ambiguous And Myself (š)
AUTOR Kenzaburo Oe
EDITORIAL Kodansha International
ISBN 4-7700-1980-7
NOTA (š)(The Nobel Prize Speech and Other Lectures^@In December 1994, on the acceptance of only the second Nobel Prize awarded to a Japanese writer, Kenzaburo Oe gave a speech that was a message for mankind : one that pledged his own faith in tolerance and human decency ; in the renunciation of war ; and in the healing power of art -the power to calm and purify. Other key address he has given elsewhere join the Nobel lecture in this volume, giving a wider view of the work of a literary activist who sees himself as one of a dying breed in the intellectual life of his own country.^@Even those unfamiliar with his writing will be stimulated by the free-ranging thoughts of one of the centuryLs most brilliant minds.^@ŸKenzaburo Oe was born in 1935 in a village in Shikoku, an island off the southwest coast of mainland Japan. After studying French literature at Tokyo University, he won his first literary award -the coveted Akutagawa Prize- for a short story, LThe CatchL. A writer committed to both literary and humanitarian causes, his output has included (in English) LA Personal MatterL,LThe Silent CryL,LTeach Us to Outgrow Our MadnessL,LThe Pinch Runner MemorandumL, and LNip the Buds, Kill the KidsL. These and other works of his have been widely translated, not only in Europe and Russia but in several Asian countries. Oe, who won the Nobel Prize in 1994, lives in Tokyo with his wife and three children.^@¥CONTENTS^@œSpeaking on Japanese Culture before a Scandinavian Audience@œOn Modern and Contemporary Japanese Literature@œJapanLs Dual Identity : A WriterLs Dilemma@œJapan, the Ambiguous, and Myself [Titulo original : ‚ ‚¢‚Ü‚¢‚È“ú–{‚ÌŽ„])


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