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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/08/24 03:51:06 JSTLastUpdate:2017/02/10 04:57:50 JST
TITULO My Life Between Japan And America ()
AUTOR Edwin O. Reischauer
EDITORIAL Harper & Row
ISBN 0-06-039054-9
NOTA ()(Born in Tokyo to American missionaries, Edwin Reischauer has had an extraordinary life, divided between two countries with profoundly different cultures. He is oneof the outstanding American scholars on Japan, and returned to his country of birth in the 1960s to serve as American Ambassador. Growing up as an American in Japan more than sixty years ago, he ate sushi and tofu before they had even been heard of in America, played baseball and tennis, witnessed the great earthquake, and learned Japanese fairy tales from the family maids. From his unique position, he clearly saw the ignorance that distorted JapanLs and AmericaLs vision of the other and decided early to devote his life to developing understanding and respect between the two. As professor at Harvard and director of the Harvard Yenching Institute, he helped lead the way in introducing East Asian Studies to American schools until, in 1961, President Kennedy snatched him from academia and sent him back to Tokyo to serve as Ambassador. Neither experienced diplomat nor politician, Reischauer was an unusual choice, but he brought with him his lifelong experience with Japan and America, and helped to strengthen the alliance that now exists. In all he has done during his long and illustrious career, Reischauer has reached for the common ground between his two countries, and in this frequently intimate autobiography he has produced a uniquely vivid portrait of a life drawn from two sources -the Japan that helped form him and the America he always belonged to. He paints fascinating pictures of how Japan is governed, how the industrial revolution developed, and how Japanese-American relations have evolved over the last fifty years. Tols with humor, warmth, and an inexhaustible store of knowledge, this is a book for all who are interested in the two great countries that once made war and are now trying to live together.)


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