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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/08/24 03:58:34 JSTLastUpdate:2018/09/17 01:54:35 JST
TITULO Fragments of Rainbows (The Life and Poetry of Saitoo Mokichi, 1882-1953)(š)
AUTOR Amy Vladeck Heinrich
EDITORIAL Studies of the East Asian Institute, Columbia University
ISBN 0-231-05428-9
NOTA (š)(Saitoo Mokichi is a crucial figure in the development of modern Japanese poetry and his work was highly influential for many of JapanLs younger poets. In LFragments of RainbowsL, Amy Vladeck Heinrich offers the first critical study of this significant twentieth-century poet, literary scholar, critic, and theorist. This volume also contains a generous translation of MokichiLs work. Part One of this study is a literary biography in which the author recounts MokichiLs life from his childhood, first as a foster son and eventually as son-in-law of a distant relative, through his medical education and training. Succeeding chapters deal with his practice as a physician ; his studies in neuropsychiatry in Vienna and Munich ; the difficult years during which he superintended the rebuilding of his hospital, which had been destroyed by fire ; his separation from his wife and attachment to another woman ; his war poetry ; and the last years of his life. Part Two focuses on specific questions raised by MokichiLs poetry in the context of this biographical background, his means of poetic expressions, use of form, imagery, and language, and selected major works and themes. Within LFragments of RainbowL, Amy Vladeck Heinrich presents 219 of MokichiLs most memorable and representative poems in translation. Amy Vladeck Heinrich is an adjunct lecturer at New York University and a visiting assistant professor in the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures at Columbia University.)


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