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DB: BASE de DATOS, Biblioteca del Centro Cultural de la Embajada de Japon
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Created: 2010/08/24 04:13:07 JSTLastUpdate:2017/03/09 05:06:50 JST
TITULO The White Plum (A Biography of Ume Tsuda : Pioneer in the Higher Education of Japanese Women) (š)
AUTOR Yoshiko Furuki
EDITORIAL Weatherhill
ISBN 0-8348-0243-0
NOTA (š)(1.At the age of six, Ume Tsuda m1864-1929n, the daughter of a progressive samurai, was sent on a mission by the Japanese government with four other girls to the United States. Their noble task was to first educate themselves in modern ways and Western learning, and then return to bring that gift to their sisters in Japan. Ume was cared for in the United States by Charles and Adeline Lanman, and she grew up in Washington, D.C., studying at private schools and becoming a Christian. At seventeen she finally returned to her country of birth, determined to carry out her mission. Back in Japan she found a new government quite unprepared to make use of her skills, but even more troubling was her startling self-discovery : unable to speak, read, or write her native language fluently, she was faced with a homeland in which she was a foreigner, customs she did not understand, and a family she did not know and with whom she could not fully communicate. With the brave resilience of her namesake, the white plum that blooms in the last harsh days of winter, Ume was undaunted. Thriving on challenge, she devoted the rest of her life to seeking a way to achieve the goal of making modern higher education available to Japanese women for the first time. After several attempts, and two periods of advanced study abroad at Bryn Mawr College and Oxford, she eventually founded her own English School for Women. Later named Tsuda College, it has remained one of the bastions of womenLs higher education in Japan to this day. In her later years, Tsuda was not only an honored and influential educator in her own land and a founder of the Japanese YWCA but a cultural ambassador who met and exchanged correspondence with leading figures of her day, including Theodore Roosevelt, Charles Dickens, Helen Keller, and Florence Nightingale. In this first English biography of a pioneer in womenLs education, Yoshiko Furuki, a professor at Tsuda College, makes broad use of published Japanese sources and the recently discoveredLattic lettersL, poignant and telling documents of UmeLs trials in adapting to herLnewLcountry, Japan, and her unwavering commitment to the education of women. 2.Yoshiko Furuki is a graduate of Tsuda College with an M.A. from New York University. Twice a research scholar at Cambridge University, she was an Associate Member of Darwin College in 1984-85. She was appointed full-time lecturer at Tsuda College in 1967 and full professor in 1981. In addition to writing widely in Japanese and English on English literature, she has collaborated in compiling the LProgressive Japanese-English DictionarymShogakkannL and co-editedLThe Writings of Ume Tsuda mrevised edition, Tsuda CollegenL. She is the editor-in-chief of LThe Attic Letters mWeatherhill, 1991nL, a collection of recently discovered letters written by Ume Tsuda from 1882 through 1911.)


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